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Fiske discount bactrim 960 mg antibiotic bronchitis,  December () Attributed Sir Francis Darwin – Mervyn Deitel ? Davies – British poet Thomas Dekker – Teetotallers lack the sympathy and generosity of English dramatist men that drink purchase 480mg bactrim fast delivery antibiotic resistant organisms. It should never be weariness that he is half dead proven 480 mg bactrim antibiotic resistance hospital acquired infections, he is telling the done with a pin purchase bactrim 960 mg with mastercard infection xpert, and still less with the fingers, but truth. On not being Dead, as Reported The Rules of Christian Manners and Civility I      ·   Campbell Greig De Morgan – Charles Dickens – Professor of Anatomy, Middlesex Hospital, London British novelist Today the glands may be free; tomorrow they may Minds like bodies, will often fall into a pimpled, ill- be affected. Today all disease may be distributed conditioned state from mere excess of comfort. Penguin Books, London () impression and assigned his long professional rides, by day and night, in the bleak hill-weather, Joyce Dennys as the true cause of that appearance. There is something in sickness that breaks down That is why practically all Doctors are married. Lord Devlin – Lecture at the Royal College of Physicians, London, May Appeal court judge, House of Lords () In strict legal terminology I doubt if doctors ever As time goes by a new set of relationships between assault; they batter. Polish-born Austrian physician Attributed A physician should not be judged by the success of In the face of such overwhelming statistical his treatment but by the extent of his knowledge. Vermilion, London () As long as medicine is an art, it will not become a science. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh () Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Beaconsfield – John Donne   – British Prime minister and novelist English poet Youth is a blunder; manhood a struggle; old age a regret. British Medical Journal (), quoting an old consultant Speech,  June () boss There is no index of character so sure as the voice. They Putting on the spectacles of science in expectation are always congenitally based and never result of finding the answer to everything looked at from accidents in uterine life. P & S Quarterly : , June () British Medical Journal :  () You do one experiment in medicine to convince yourself, then ninety nine more to convince others. The Next Half Century in Medicine Western Journal of Medicine and Surgery :  ()    ·   Michael Drayton – Epidemics have often been more influential than English poet statesmen and soldiers in shaping the course of political history, and diseases may also colour the Past cure, past care. The probability is rather, that eagerness for John Dryden – achievement often leads to a way of life that English poet and playwright renders the body less resistant to infection. He also is but unfortunately, it often causes such a glare that impotent—in fact two excellent properties to it prevents the eyes from seeing the natural objects possess for a quiet day on the river. V The epidemic of syphilis which spread through all Finley Peter Dunne (‘Mr Dooley’) of Europe in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth – century gave many physicians frequent occasions American humorist to observe, often in the form of a personal I wondher why ye can always read a doctor’s bill experience, that a given disease can pass from one an’ ye niver can read his purscription. Baron Guillaume Dupuytren Industrial Medicine and Surgery :  () – Chief surgeon Hôtel Dieu, Paris Throughout nature, infection without disease is the rule rather than the exception. English novelist It is seldom a medical man has true religious Hermann Ebbinghaus – views—there is too much pride of intellect. A man deep-wounded may feel too much pain to Science and Health with Key to Scriptures feel much anger. Health is not a condition of matter, but of Mind; Spanish Gypsy Bk  nor can the material senses bear reliable testimony on the subject of health. Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon per cent perspiration. Aphorism I have heard the mermaids singing, each The doctor of the future will give no medicine but to each. Time  October () Paul Ehrlich – German bacteriologist Birth, copulation and death. Much testing; accuracy and precision in That’s all the facts when you come to brass experiment; no guesswork or self-deception. Jerusalem, Jesus Christ would infallibly have been Curiosity has its own reason for existence. Attributed Impressions and Comments  January ()    ·  Pain and death are part of life. Men have expended infinite ingenuity in establishing the remote rhythms of the solar Feed sparingly and defy the physician. Nature heals, under the auspices of the medical One doctor makes work for another. The prevention of disease is for the most part a matter Physicians’ faults are covered with earth, and rich of education, the cost is moderate, the results men’s with money. Six hours sleep for a man, seven for a woman, and The Social Cost of Sickness eight for a fool. The poisons are our principal medicines, which When the head aches, all the body is the worse. The only cure for sea-sickness is to sit on the The Conduct of Life, Worship shady side of an old brick church in the country. Roman poet Essays (Second series) ‘Nominalist and Realist’ How like us is that ugly brute, the ape! Sanity is very rare: every man almost, and every On the Nature of the Gods  (Cicero) woman, has a dash of madness. It does not then concern either the living or the Men resemble their contemporaries even more dead, since for the former it is not, and the latter than their progenitors. Representative Men ‘Uses of Great Men’ Letter to Menoeceus The magnitude of pleasure reaches its limit in the removal of all pain. Alexandrian physician James Sanford’s The Garden of Pleasure () Nature is the great artist who in her care for living A dry cough is the trumpeter of death. Henri Estienne – Amusing Quotations for Doctors and Patients ‘Fads’ French scholar If youth but know, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu – And old age only could. Norbert Guterman) Old persons are sometimes as unwilling to die as tired-out children are to say good night and go to bed. Walshe in Teachers of Medicine Bodies devoid of mind are as statues in the market Jean Fernel – place. Paris trained physician to Catherine de Medici Electra  The physician today seems athirst for blood. For they which share one father’s blood shall oft Blood-letting, like wine-drinking, is right enough By many a bodily likeness kinship show. Electra  Treatise,  (quoted in The Endeavour of Jean Fernel, Pt ) A weary thing is sickness and its pains! Anatomy is for physiology what geography is for Hippolytus  the historian: it describes the scene of action. Sickness poses only one problem for the patient, but for the Magister Ferrarius th century nurse it involves both mental agony and hard physical work. I would very much rather stand three times in the front of – battle than bear one child. Pollak) Henry Fielding – Sir Grimley Evans – English novelist Professor of Clinical Gerontology, Oxford, England It hath been often said, that it is not death, by The aging of an organism is a progressive loss of dying, which is terrible. When such distempers are in the blood, there is never any security against their breaking out; and that often Margaret Jane Evans – on the slightest occasions, and when least Paediatric pathologist suspected. He that dies before sixty, of a cold or consumption, Hospital Doctor  August (), in response to the reaction dies, in reality, by a violent death.

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Young children w ith no evidence of disease should be re-evaluated every 5 years until their teens and then annually until aged 21 bactrim 480mg overnight delivery antibiotic resistance usda. Diagnosis in a child under 10 years requires a body surface area corrected left ventricular w all thickness of >10m m discount bactrim 960 mg online virus 20 deviantart. Affected relatives should additionally undergo risk stratification buy bactrim 480mg online infection 5 weeks after breast reduction, w hich includes 48 hour Holter m onitoring and exercise testing discount bactrim 960mg with visa bacteria gram stain, looking especially for ventricular arrhythm ias and abnorm al blood pressure responses respectively. Niall G Mahon and W McKenna A protocol for the investigation of dilated cardiom yopathy should aim to confirm the diagnosis, rule out treatable causes, prevent potential com plications and determ ine prognosis. Cardiac dim ensions and systolic function are also of prognostic value, w ith an approxim ately 2-fold increase in relative risk of m ortality for every 10% decline in ejection fraction. Tw elve-lead electrocardiography and Holter m onitoring for arrhythm ias should be perform ed. O ccasionally a diagnosis of incessant tachycardia as a cause of the cardio- m yopathy m ay be m ade. Further investigation (such as for sarcoid or am yloid) should be guided by history and exam ination. O ther tests m ay also be perform ed, but are not indicated in every case: 1 Coronary angiography should be perform ed in patients over the age of 40 years, or w ho have risk factors or sym ptom s or signs suggestive of coronary disease. W hat is, how ever, clear is that a tissue histological diagnosis provides im portant prognostic inform ation w hich m ay (as in the case of sarcoidosis) have an im pact on treatm ent. In research centres, biopsy specim ens m ay be analysed by im m unohistochem ical and m olecular biological techniques to determ ine the presence or absence of low grade inflam m ation and viral persistence. Frequency of follow up w ill depend on the severity of involvem ent at initial presentation. The course of the disease at early follow up is a useful indicator of long term prognosis w ith im provem ent or deterioration occurring in m ost cases w ithin six m onths to one year of diagnosis. The possibility that the patient’s cardiom yopathy m ay be fam ilial should be explored by taking a detailed fam ily history, but incom plete and age-related penetrance m ake fam ily screening problem atic. The decision to evaluate (usually first degree) relatives should be individualised, based on the extent of disease w ithin a fam ily, the levels of anxiety am ong patients and relatives, the presence of suggestive sym ptom s and the extent of local experience in the evaluation of dilated cardiom yopathy. Predictive value of abnorm al signal-averaged electrocardiogram s in patients w ith non- ischem ic cardiom yopathy. Com parison of tim e dom ain and spectral turbulence analysis of the signal-averaged electrocardiogram for the prediction of prognosis in idiopathic dilated cardiom yopathy. Underlying causes and long- term survival in patients w ith initially unexplained cardiom yopathy. The survival advantages are consistent (m ortality reduction of about 20% ) and far outw eigh the relatively sm all risk of serious side effects. Calculations suggest that a reduction in m ortality could be achieved w ithout side effects after treating only 24 patients. In the subgroup of patients taking beta blockers, m ortality decreased in those taking captopril, com pared w ith losartan. Effects of enalapril on m ortality and the developm ent of heart failure in asym ptom atic patients w ith reduced left ventricular ejection fractions. Effect of captopril on m ortality and m orbidity in patients w ith left ventricular dysfunction after m yocardial infarction. Reporting risks and benefits of therapy by use of the concepts of unqualified success and unm itigated failure: applications to highly cited trials in cardiovascular m edicine. The effect of spironolactone on m orbidity and m ortality in patients w ith severe heart failure. Lionel H Opie There are three m ain groups of vasodilator therapies used in the treatm ent of chronic heart failure. Nitrates alone Nitrates on their ow n can be used interm ittently for relief of dyspnoea – not w ell docum ented, but logical to try. The continuous use of nitrates does, how ever, run the risk of nitrate tolerance, w hich in turn m ay be lessened by com bination w ith hydralazine. Hypothetically, part of the benefit in dilated cardiom yopathy could be by inhibition of cytokine production,3 and not by vasodilatation. Prevention of tolerance to hem o- dynam ic effects of nitrates w ith concom itant use of hydralazine in patients w ith chronic heart failure. Effect of am lodipine on m orbidity and m ortality in severe chronic heart failure. It is w ell know n that the only prospective trial that w as pow ered for m ortality, failed to show that digoxin could lessen deaths. O nce I had started digoxin, I w ould not hesitate to stop it if toxicity w ere suspected. But if the patient cam e to m e already taking digoxin w ith a low therapeutic blood level, and seem ed to be doing w ell, then I w ould not stop the drug. For exam ple, to take an extrem e case, if digoxin had potentially adverse effects, and actually killed patients, such an increase of m ortality could not be detected by assessing the effects of w ithdraw al of the drug from the survivors. References 1 The effect of digoxin on m ortality and m orbidity in patients w ith heart failure. The effect of spironolactone on m orbidity and m ortality in patients w ith severe heart failure. W ithdraw al of digoxin from patients w ith chronic heart failure treated w ith angiotensin- converting-enzym e inhibitors. Rakesh Sharma M ore than 25 years ago it w as proposed that beta blockers m ay be of benefit in heart failure1 and yet, until recently, there has been a general reluctance am ongst the m edical profession to prescribe them for this indication. This is not entirely surprising, as not too long ago heart failure w as w idely considered to be a m ajor contraindication for the use of beta blockers. Treatm ent should be initiated at a low dose and be increased gradually under supervised care. The patient should be m onitored for 2–3 hours after the initial dose and after each 100 Questions in Cardiology 119 subsequent dose increase to ensure that there is no deterioration in sym ptom s, significant bradycardia, or hypotension. In patients w ith suspected or know n renal im pairm ent, it is recom m ended that serum biochem istry is also m onitored. How ever, there are several im portant areas in w hich the effect of beta blocker therapy is unknow n. For exam ple, should w e be using beta blockers to treat asym ptom atic patients w ith evidence of systolic ventricular dysfunction and is there a role for beta blocker therapy in the patient post-m yocardial infarction w ho has ventricular im pairm ent? Evidence of a beneficial effect of beta blockers on the syndrom e of heart failure is accum ulating. The use of beta blockers in this context m ay prove to be one of the m ost im portant pharm aco- logical “re-discoveries” in cardiology in recent years. Double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the effects of carvedilol in patients w ith m oderate to severe heart failure. The ninth and latest edition, published in 1994,1 retains an assessm ent of the functional capacity of the patient w ith heart disease (see Table 57.

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The free end of the chain is then either bonded to an erupted tooth or sutured to the mucosa during the healing period before orthodontic activation 480mg bactrim with mastercard buy antibiotics for uti online. A magnet with the opposite polarity is incorporated within a removable appliance and this is placed over the wound to apply the magnetic force cheap bactrim 960mg fast delivery virus update. Surgical anchorage Occasionally there is insufficient erupted dentition to allow orthodontic anchorage order 480mg bactrim visa infection from earring. Standard dental implants are not normally used in children as they act as ankylosed teeth and may disturb the growth of the jaws (see below) discount 960mg bactrim fast delivery antimicrobial jiu jitsu gi. Orthodontic implants, however, may be placed, for example, in the midline of the palate (Fig. Orthodontic appliances can then be attached to these implants, which are removed at the end of treatment. The free end of the chain will be bonded to the erupted maxillary permanent incisor following flap replacement. Following flap replacement an acrylic splint containing the magnet with the opposite pole will be positioned over the mucosa. As with adult patients the best treatment for pulpal pathology is normally conventional endodontic therapy. However, there are some indications for the technique, most commonly teeth with intransigent open apices. The best is the triangular flap involving the gingival margin and vertical relief incision described above for the removal of buccally placed buried teeth. Principally this is because the extent of apical pathology is often more extensive in children than is suggested radiographically, and use of the semilunar flap can lead to parts of the incision being left over a bony defect at the end of surgery. Technique The surgical technique is identical to that used in adults but there are a number of points of difference when placing the apical seal. In teeth with immature open apices through-and-through root fillings are unsatisfactory as the apex may be wider than the bulk of the canal, thus some form of retrograde restoration is required. It is often difficult to secure undercuts at the apex when dealing with a tooth that has an open apex, but this can be overcome by placing a large retrograde filling and relying on multiple microscopic undercuts to secure it. Eruption cysts in the young child are simply incised (when occluding teeth are present this can be achieved by the patient themselves on biting). Dentigerous cysts may be marsupialized to the oral mucosal lining following the removal of any overlying primary predecessor and the permanent tooth allowed to erupt. Some authorities advocate more aggressive treatment involving enucleation of the cyst (with or without removal of the tooth) to ensure that epithelial remnants are not left behind. Fissural cysts (such as the nasopalatine cyst) are rare in children; when found they should be enucleated. The minor oral surgical treatments discussed above may all be employed to definitively treat the source of an orofacial infection. Alternatively, conservative treatments such as endodontic therapy may be appropriate. This merits immediate treatment and may require admission for in-patient management. Swelling in the submandibular region arising from posterior mandibular teeth can result in the floor of the mouth being raised. This can cause a physical obstruction to breathing and spread from this region to the parapharyngeal spaces may further obstruct the airway. A submandibular swelling should be decompressed as a matter of urgency in children. A child with raising of the floor of the mouth requires immediate admission to hospital. The fact that trismus is invariably an associated feature makes expert anaesthetic help essential for safe management. The angular veins of the orbit (which have no valves) connect the cavernous sinus to the face, and if the normal extracranial flow is obstructed due to pressure from the extraoral infection then infected material can enter the sinus by reverse flow. To prevent this complication, infection in this area (which arises from upper anterior teeth, especially the canines) must be treated expeditiously. The principles of the treatment of acute infection are to: (1) remove the cause; (2) institute drainage; (3) prevent spread; and (4) restore function. Removal of the cause is essential to cure an orofacial infection arising from a dental source. Institution of drainage and prevention of spread are supportive treatments⎯they are not definitive cures. Drainage may be obtained during the removal of the cause, for example, a dental extraction, or may precede definitive treatment if this makes management easier, for example, incision and drainage of a submandibular abscess. When an extraoral incision is made it is made in a skin crease parallel to the direction of the facial nerve. Once skin has been incised the dissection is carried out bluntly until the infection has been located. Locules of infection are then ruptured using blunt dissection and a drain secured to the external surface. Any pus should be sent for culture and sensitivity testing to the microbiology laboratory. It is important to remember that acute infections are painful and that analgesics, as well as antibiotics, should be prescribed. Similarly, it is important that a child suffering from an acute infection is adequately hydrated. If the infection has restricted the intake of oral fluids due to dysphagia then admission to hospital for intravenous fluid replacement is required. Autotransplantation of teeth in children may be considered as a treatment for the following: (1) repositioning of an ectopic tooth; (2) replacement of an unrestorable tooth with a redundant member of the dentition. The ectopic tooth most commonly repositioned by surgical means is the unerupted, palatally placed, upper permanent canine. An example of using autotransplantation as a means of tooth replacement is the substitution of an upper incisor that is undergoing resorption by a premolar tooth scheduled for extraction as part of an orthodontic treatment plan (Fig. The management regimen for both treatments is similar and is as follows: (1) assessment of donor tooth and recipient site; (2) atraumatic extraction of donor tooth; (3) preparation of recipient site; (4) transplantation; (5) splinting of transplanted tooth; (6) root treatment of transplanted tooth. In addition, when autotransplantation is used to replace a tooth in the arch some coronal preparation and orthodontic movement of the donor tooth may be required. Transplantation surgery is usually performed under antibiotic prophylaxis (either oral or intravenous amoxicillin (amoxycillin)), as the use of systemic antibiotics has been shown to decrease the incidence of root resorption. Assessment of donor tooth and recipient site The tooth to be transplanted has to be appraised clinically and radiographically prior to surgery. The crown of an erupted tooth can be assessed for caries and its dimensions measured. Donor teeth should have an open apex with at least three-quarters of the root formed.

Cefotaxime has been shown effective in a number of trials with regimens of 2 g administered every 8 hours for five days (26) or 2 g every 12 hours for a mean of nine days (31) cheap 480mg bactrim mastercard virus del papiloma humano. These included intravenous followed by oral therapy with amoxicillin–clavulanic acid (36) or ciprofloxacin (37) and oral ofloxacin (38) cheap 960 mg bactrim mastercard antibiotics bronchitis. While some experts recommend that patients with moderate symptoms and a positive response to a short course of intravenous antibiotics could benefit from therapy with oral fluoroquinolones (39) generic bactrim 960mg with visa get antibiotics for sinus infection, others have found the supporting evidence to be inconclusive (40) 960 mg bactrim with mastercard antibiotic for staph infection. A major concern regarding repeated or prolonged courses of antibiotic prophylaxis is selection for resistant bacterial pathogens. The majority of these patients have asymptomatic bacteriuria, but approximately one-third have symptomatic infections (23). The incidence of significant bacteriuria 5 (>10 colony-forming units/mL) is higher in women than in men and does not correlate with the severity of the underlying liver disease or with the age of the patient (50). Asymptomatic bacteriuria does not require treatment, particularly in patients with an indwelling urinary catheter. A urine culture should be obtained on any cirrhotic patient suspected to have a urinary tract infection. Antibiotic therapy, when indicated, should be guided by microbiologic susceptibility testing of the urinary isolate. Antibiotic options for empiric therapy of symptomatic infections include fluoroquinolones or expanded-spectrum penicillins or cephalosporins. Indwelling urinary catheters should be removed as soon as possible to reduce the risk of infection. Bacteremia has been reported to occur in approximately 9% of hospitalized cirrhotic patients (51) and accounts for 20% of the infections diagnosed during their hospital stay (23). The incidence of bacteremia increases with Infections in Cirrhosis in Critical Care 345 the severity of liver disease, and individuals with cirrhosis are more likely to have a diagnosis of sepsis when compared with patients without a diagnosis of cirrhosis (52). The most commonly identified sources of bacteremia have been spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, soft tissue infections, and biliary tract infections (51,53). The pathogens identified in blood cultures from bacteremic patients mirror those responsible for the primary source infections. Bloodstream infection is associated with a poor prognosis despite appropriate antibiotic therapy. Poor outcome is independent of the type of bacteremia (54), but in-hospital mortality has been correlated with the absence of fever, an elevated serum creatinine, and marked leukocytosis (53). Cirrhotic patients with suspected bacteremia should receive empiric therapy directed against the most common gram-negative and gram-positive pathogens in this setting. Antibiotic selection should take into consideration local microbial susceptibility patterns. Usual therapeutic options would include expanded- spectrum cephalosporins, piperacillin/tazobactam, or a fluoroquinolone such as levofloxacin or moxifloxacin. Cirrhotic patients who undergo endoscopic procedures for gastrointestinal hemorrhage or transhepatic procedures are at increased risk of bacteremia. Endoscopic variceal sclerotherapy or band ligation for bleeding esophageal varices is associated with a reported risk of bacteremia ranging from 5% to 30% (55–57). Although the bacteremia associated with these procedures may be brief, cirrhotic patients are susceptible to infections from transient bacteremia. Gastrointestinal hemorrhage itself is an independent risk factor for bacteremia and other infections in cirrhotic patients. Antibiotic administration has been shown to reduce infectious complications and mortality in cirrhotic patients who are hospitalized for gastrointestinal hemorrhage (58–61). Antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended for all cirrhotic inpatients with gastrointestinal bleeding (62,63). Fluoroquinolone antibiotics were used in most trials with a median treatment duration of seven days. Chronic liver disease has long been recognized as a risk factor for bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia (66). The mortality rate for pneumococcal bacteremia in cirrhotic patients may exceed 50% despite appropriate antibiotic therapy (67). Sputum and blood samples should be obtained for appropriate diagnostic studies, including gram-stain (sputum) and cultures (sputum and blood). Appropriate empiric therapy while awaiting the results of cultures and other tests would include an expanded-spectrum cephalosporin plus a macrolide or a beta-lactam/betalactamase- inhibitor plus a macrolide or a fluoroquinolone (69). Health care–associated and hospital-acquired pneumonia may be caused by a wide variety of bacteria. Common pathogens include aerobic gram-negative bacilli, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. A number of risk factors have been identified for nosocomial pneumonia caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria (70) (Table 2). Recommended initial empiric antibiotic therapy for nosocomial pneumonia in patients with no risk factors for multidrug-resistant pathogens or P. Patients with any risk factors listed in Table 2 or with onset of nosocomial pneumonia after four days of hospitalization are more 346 Preheim Table 2 Risk Factors for Nosocomial Pneumonia Due to Resistant Bacteria Antimicrobial therapy in preceding 90 days Current hospital stay > 5 days ¼ High frequency of antibiotic resistance in the community or hospital unit Hospitalization! Initial empiric therapy in such cases should include an antipseudomonal cephalosporin (e. Because of increased risks of aminoglycoside- induced nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity, the use of these agents should be avoided in cirrhotic patients if possible (30). Typical infections caused by these organisms include gastroenteritis, wound infections, and septicemia. Infection usually occurs following consumption of contaminated food or water or by cutaneous inoculation through wounds. Preexisting liver disease is a major risk factor for Vibrio infections and has been associated with a fatal outcome in both wound infections and primary septicemia (71). The skin lesions progress to hemorrhagic vesicles or bullae and then to necrotic ulcers (72). Recommended antibiotic therapy includes using an expanded-spectrum cephalosporin plus a tetracycline (e. Endocarditis Infective endocarditis is a relatively unusual complication of cirrhosis. Streptococcus bovis biotypes [recently reclassified as Streptococcus gallolyticus (S. Spontaneous Bacterial Empyema Spontaneous bacterial empyema is an infection of a preexisting hydrothorax in cirrhotic patients. Although the majority of these patients have ascites, the presence of ascites is not a prerequisite for spontaneous bacterial empyema. Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is present in approximately half of patients who develop empyema. The most common causes of Infections in Cirrhosis in Critical Care 347 spontaneous bacterial empyema include E. A diagnostic thoracentesis is recommended in patients with cirrhosis who develop pleural effusions and signs and symptoms of infection (77). Long-term survival and cause-specific mortality in patients with cirrhosis of the liver: a nationwide cohort study in Denmark. Risk factors for the development of bacterial infections in hospitalized patients with cirrhosis.

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