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This simple comparison of the composite results of the two groups for each experiment via a simple engineering orientaton has focused mainly on the physical parameters of these human/machine z-score calculaton for the diferences cheap lexapro 5 mg mastercard anxiety symptoms like heart attack. All of these human/machine experiments involve the individual operator databases generic lexapro 20mg overnight delivery anxiety symptoms versus heart symptoms, which can easily distort their interpretaton lexapro 10mg with amex anxiety symptoms chills. More informatve carefully calibrated devices based on well-understood physical processes discount 20mg lexapro visa anxiety symptoms men, each capable of rapidly indicatons of the relatve contributons of the male and female operators can be obtained by generatng, displaying, and recording extensive sequences of random events. Volunteer human examining their results on an individual basis and then comparing the average yields and the operators atempt, solely through conscious efort, to shif the output distributon means of these proportons of operators in each gender group who produce results correlatng with intenton. In the sectons to follow, the results of each of nine distnct experiments are presented by gender, Although these databases are extraordinarily large, consistent with the need for reliable statstcal both in terms of their composite and average results, and as summaries of the proportonal yields estmates of minuscule efects, they have been produced by a relatvely small number of operators. It should be noted at the outset that most of the experimental databases are relatvely small some 135 operators on a variety of such physical systems, have provided persuasive statstcal in terms of the numbers of contributng operators, and thus the statstcal results based on these 356 357 proportons frequently entail large error bars. This approach results in a total of 270 individual contributons over than the theoretcal expectaton in the baselines, are indicated by parentheses. Those z-scores nine separate experiments, 130 from male operators and 140 from female, comprising a more exceeding the one-tailed p<. Probabilites for intentonal eforts are calculated on a one-tailed basis; those for 1. Random Event Generator Experiments baselines, where there is no directonal expectaton, are two-tailed, wit h a p<. These data were generated over a 12-year period by 91 operators in 522 independent experimental series ranging in size from 1000 to 5000 trials 1 This normalized deviaton is similar to the standardized “efect size” defned by Rosenthal [11], per intenton, depending on the protocol involved. Since is itself a constant of difered in terms of series size, run length (the number of trials produced automatcally as a result δc the experiment, the normalized deviatons, , and standard efect sizes, ∈ , are related by the of a single initatng buton push), and the number of secondary optons available to the operator, δc / ∈ σ 0 e. Of the 91 operators who contributed to this database, 50 males produced a total of 228 series, or approximately 327,000 trials per intenton, and 41 females generated 294 series, or approximately 506,000 trials per intenton. The “normalized δ0 deviaton,” , utlized here is simply the deviaton of the composite experimental mean from the theoretcal expectaton of 100, multplied by 100 for convenience of tabulaton. It provides an indicaton of the magnitude of the deviaton achieved, but is vulnerable to statstcal uncertainty zc for small data sets. These two indicators, and , thus complement one another for interpretaton However, as noted above, this impression is misleading because of the considerable variability of the results. The female 358 359 average database is nearly twice as large as the male average and includes three exceptonally large the statstcal z-scores associated with those proportons. Even excluding the most prolifc female database zdiff proportonal gender diferences are displayed as z-scores ( ) at the botom of the table. For the consistng of some 120,000 trials per intenton, the average female database stll remains nearly p<. While this diference clearly cannot be regarded as an who succeed in the directon of efort and calculatng a z-score for the proportonal diference: experimental result, it bears notng because of its impact on the statstcal representaton of the composite results; it may also refect diferent operatonal strategies employed by the two groups. The number and proporton of the more prolifc operators to the of operators of each gender who produce results consistent with their intentons (or above 100 in the baselines), relatve to the 50% who might be expected to do so by chance, and the number and 2Because the binomial distributon for these extreme-tail populatons is seriously distorted from proporton of individuals who achieve results beyond the one-tailed. In contrast to the impression of stronger female performance suggested by the composite comparisons, the average male operator actually proves to be more successful than the average female in producing results consistent with intenton, and in generatng baselines consistent wit h δ H theoretcal expectaton. These contrasts δ H−L carry over into comparisons of the where the male average is 4. Although the diference between the groups is not statstcally signifcant, the dissimilarites in the baseline performance of the two groups may be of some interest, given the ostensibly null intenton prevailing in this conditon. Consistent with chance expectatons, only 52% of the males generate baselines above 100, while a signifcant majority of the females (66%) exceed the theoretcal value. The diferent performances of the male and female operators are illustrated graphically in Figure 1, where the top porton displays the proportonal success rates for both 360 361 groups, and the botom porton their relatve composite and average deviaton s with 1s error bars. Overlaid on these are the chance mean and empirical mean levels, along with the corresponding. The inset tables list the number of operators with efect sizes above/below the two mean values. Since a substantal majority 362 363 364 365 of both the male and female operators in this pool produced only three or fewer series, it is worth considering whether the apparent gender-related diferences could be an artfact of such a series positon efect. To address this concern, the normalized deviatons and statstcal z-scores associated with only the frst series produced by each operator were examined separately. Although these inital series also vary somewhat in the numbers of trials involved, the combinatons of the d criterion and the statstcally normalized z-score provide reasonable representatons of the results for purposes of comparison with those of the full operator databases (Table 3). These frst-series comparisons clearly bear sufcient similarity to those of 366 367 the full databases to confrm the signifcant gender-related diferences noted in the overall results. Several of these other experiments involve physical devices that lack a theoretcal reference and thus require statstcal Since both groups consistently produce beter average correlatons with intenton in the high analyses based on diferental comparisons of two empirical distributons. It is also worth notng the slight disparites in the trial score standard as the primary statstcal fgures of merit in these analyses, and in those of all the other experiments deviatons produced by the two groups, as indicated in the composite summaries of Table 1. On the other hand, the relatvely In both the high- and low-intenton eforts, the male average normalized deviatons and statstcal z-scores are larger and more highly correlated with intenton than those of the females. Although both groups are more successful in the high-going eforts than in the low, this asymmetry is much stronger in the female data. Consistent with chance expectatons, only 52% of the males produce baselines above the theoretcal mean, in contrast with a signifcant proporton (66%) of the females. Although none of the diferences is independently signifcant, in all three intentons the females produce larger trial score standard deviatons than the males. Examinaton of the results of the frst series produced by each operator in this experiment indicates gender-related diferences similar to those seen in their full databases, thus discountng the possibility that these disparites are associated with series positon efects or are statstcal artfacts of the diferences in individual database size. Relatve to theory, seven males (14%) δ H δ L produce signifcant results in the directon of intenton, and none in the. Relatve to their δ H−B respectve baselines, however, none of the males achieve signifcant results in the , while δ L−B eight (16%) produce signifcant separatons. By theoretcal standards, four females (10%) δ H δ L produce signifcant results and three (7%) in the , while in the empirical comparisons only δ L−B two (5%) achieve signifcant d H-B results and four (10%) succeed in the. In the majority of these experiments, comprising 184 series and 396,000 trials per intenton, the operators were not present in the laboratory while the machine was in operaton, but were directng specifc intentons from remote locatons for the outcomes of runs generated in the laboratory at pre-arranged tmes. Some 47 of these series followed an “of-tme” protocol where the operators deliberately generated their intentons at tmes prior to or afer machine operaton. Although these 28 hybrid series were not included in the formal remote database described in Reference [7], they are included in the present survey to extend the sizes of the operator pools. For example, the average female database is more than 30% conducted in three separate sessions, each consistng of 1000 trials per intenton generated δ H−L larger than the average male’s, while the average male is 6. A signifcant proporton of the male operators (75%) produce H−L ’s in the independent series. Again, these results are quite diferent from those produced when compared with theory.

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In fact purchase 10 mg lexapro amex anxiety ulcer, researchers at The Cooper Insttute in Dallas found that being ft and fat is healthier for men and women than being unft and thin 5mg lexapro with mastercard anxiety symptoms edu. But you can also be ft and unhealthy cheap 5 mg lexapro visa anxiety symptoms vs pregnancy symptoms, or ft in ways that aren’t necessarily helping your health all (Any chocolate that’s below 70% cacao has very litle nutritonal value cheap lexapro 10 mg without a prescription anxiety and chest pain. For example, if you are in great shape but eat poorly and drink too much alcohol, you acids, which help reduce the risk of heart disease, the biter nut contains magnesium, plant- may be able to win a race and lif a heavy log—but you could stll have atherosclerotc plaque in source iron and phenylethylamine, said to enhance one’s mood. Or, if you are strong but not cardiovascularly ft — you do well in the pushup and sit-up porton Waist Size Matters, Fit or Not of the test, but only average in the tmed run — and you have extra fab in your gut, your ftness is not the type that can provide you with the most protecton against certain health conditons. Being ft is the key for all-around health—and having less abdominal fat is healthier. Q: I’m in the armed forces and required to pass a physical ftness test every year that includes The best indicator of heart risk is the rato of stomach circumference to thigh circumference. The tmed pushups and sit-ups, a mile and a half run, and measurements for body mass index and stomach should not be twice the thigh. Many of my colleagues believe that if a person is ft, their waist size should cannot be denied. At three tmes the size there is a dramatc problem and an extreme risk of heart atack. A: Your assessments are ratng you not just on your ftness level, but on your health status, too. They’re assessing your Eatng meat that’s charred or well-done raises the risk of pancreatc cancer, according to a recent health risks. Since a trained exerciser tends to have more lean body mass, he or she can be heavier in limited quanttes, all meats -- including chicken, pork and fsh -- can also generate a cancer- than normal, but also leaner than normal. Most recently, researchers at the develop pancreatc cancer compared to those who ate steak less well-done or did not eat steak. University of Florida found that the actve ingredient in açai berries destroyed cancer cells when tested in cell cultures. And blueberries and muscadine grapes contain compounds that recent High heat is believed to cause a chemical reacton that transforms amino acids and creatne found research shows cause cancer cells in the liver to self-destruct. In studies partcularly important in muscle tssue into carcinogenic compounds called heterocyclic amines. Studies reported at the annual meetng of the American Chemical • Try grilling more fruits and vegetables. Mushrooms, peaches, zucchini and pineapple are Society found that ovarian cancer cells that were becoming resistant to platnum chemotherapy— nutritonal good choices and taste great when grilled. The ant-cancer propertes of all these berries are so strong that researchers have developing • Microwave food for a short tme before putng it on the grill and throw away the juices, which concentrated supplements and other products such as purees and concentrates. One of the frst plant-based chemicals to be studied for its ant-cancer propertes, catechins-the • Line the cooking surface with punctured foil to create a barrier between the coals and the chemicals in green tea-have been known for some tme to prevent and reduce recurrence of breast meat. Flare-ups caused by dripping fat can coat the meat in smoke that contains cancer- and other cancers. With this partcular chemical, experts even know why: a chemical known as causing substances. Just two cups a day is • Use marinades, some of which have been shown to reduce the formaton of cancer-causing enough to do the trick. Numerous studies over the years (more than 30 diferent studies to date) have documented the ant-cancer propertes of garlic. The strongest evidence so far has focused on digestve cancers, Do Anti-Cancer Superfoods Really Work? According to the Natonal Cancer Insttute, an analysis of seven diferent large-scale populaton studies showed that the more raw and cooked garlic a person consumed, the lower the risk of stomach and colorectal cancer; one study found that middle-aged women who regularly consumed garlic had a 50 percent lower risk of developing colon cancer. Scientsts have isolated two actve ingredients in garlic, allicin and allyl sulfur, and demonstrated that they prevent and fght cancer in both animals and humans; you can take garlic in supplement form but the capsules must be enteric-coated to protect these actve ingredients. Add crushed, fresh garlic to your meals whenever possible; some experts also recommend waitng 15 minutes between peeling and chopping the garlic to get the full efects of the actve compounds. Other studies have shown ant-cancer benefts from eatng cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and other The short answer to this queston is—drum roll, please—yes. Here, the top foods to work into the family diet if a diet high in garlic and onions show a direct relatonship between high consumpton of “allium” you’d like to cut cancer risk or help those with cancer recover. The good Journal of Clinical Nutriton—but conducted in Ulster, where people are more comfortable news: cooking tomatoes seems to enhance the efects of lycopene, qualifying tomato-based eatng watercress—found that antoxidants in the nutrient-rich greens prevented free radicals spaghet sauce as a nutritonal powerhouse. Spinach, which we’re all more familiar with, is also a cancer fghter; • Resveratrol research conducted by the M. The chemical that gives spinach its dark green color, chlorophyllin, proved The hype about red wine centers on an antoxidant called Resveratrol that’s present in grapes and to reduce the risk of liver cancer in research by the Natonal Academy of Sciences. Teams at several universites and cancer centers are studying Resveratrol’s efects against specifc types of cancer. Most recently, a University of Nebraska study The short answer to this queston is—drum roll, please—yes. While studies are published in Cancer Preventon Research demonstrated that Resveratrol suppresses the abnormal ongoing, and in many cases experts stll don’t know exactly how these superfoods work, there’s cell growth that leads to most types of breast cancer. Breast cancer is fueled by estrogen, and strong evidence that certain fruits and vegetables rich in plant-based nutrients can both prevent Resveratrol acts to block the acton of the estrogen, preventng it from feeding tumor growth. Here, the top foods to work into the family diet if Previously, research conducted at the University of Alabama at Birmingham showed that mice fed you’d like to cut cancer risk or help those with cancer recover. Johanna Budwig diet The problem, however, is that higher alcohol intake has been linked to cancer as well, partcularly Cancer, Arthrits, Multple sclerosis, Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne,. One glass of red wine a day, unless you’re at risk for or have one of these types of cancer, in which case a Resveratrol supplement is a beter idea. Flaxseed oil and cotage cheese • Soy Six tme Nobel award nominated doctor says this essental nutrient combinaton actually prevents and cures cancer! The actve ingredient in soy is genistein, which is a phytoestrogen that protects against hormone- dependent cancers. It’s also a powerful inhibitor of several proteins that are implicated in the Read Flaxseed oil Testmonials: uncontrolled growth of cancer cells. The research to date shows that supplements containing isofavones don’t work with the same acton as soybeans themselves and in fact can be bad for you rather Six tme Nobel award nominated doctor says this essental nutrient combinaton actually prevents than good. The orange-yellow spice turmeric, best known for its role in Indian curries and other Asian dishes, fghts cancer because of an actve ingredient, curcumin, that’s a powerful antoxidant. Johanna Budwig Mix: at Ohio State University in Columbus reviewed numerous animal studies and concluded that Put in your blender: curcumin demonstrated ant-cancer efects at virtually all stages of tumor development. Add a teaspoon of the spice to • enough water to make it sof soups, salad dressings, meat and pasta dishes and you’ll reap the preventatve efects. Use some drops of olive, sesame, sunfower, drugs less efectve when studied in animals and test tubes. Cancer patents shouldn’t add a lot of soy, coconut, avocado, carrot, letuce, nutmeg, and mustard oils to add some extra favor and a turmeric to their diets or take curcumin supplements without talking to their doctors frst.

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However, these findings do not take into account improvements over time in patients without the device. Other options include increasing the cycle length or stimulation frequency of the device. The fact that many of these patients are children and may have associated cognitive deficits makes diagnosing the problem even more difficult without a sleep study. In each of the studies, there were patients who had greater than a 100 percent increase. In the E05 study, the range went up to a 234 percent increase, while in the E04 study, it went even higher, to a 680 percent maximum range. Tracey that vagus nerve stimulation inhibits inflammation by suppressing pro-inflammatory cytokine production has led to significant interest in the potential to use this approach for treating inflammatory diseases ranging from arthritis to colitis, ischemia, myocardial infarction, and congestive heart failure. The battery life for the pulse generator is "between 1 [and] 16 years, depending on the settings [ie how strong the signal being sent is, the length of time the device stimulates the nerve each time, and how frequently the device stimulates the nerve]. The procedure goes as follows: an incision is made in the upper left chest and the generator is implanted into a little "pouch" on the left chest under the clavicle. A second incision is made in the neck, so that the surgeon can access the vagus nerve. The surgeon then wraps the leads around the left branch of the vagus nerve, and connects the electrodes to the generator. Once successfully implanted, the generator sends electric impulses to the vagus nerve at regular intervals. However, other "wearable" devices are being tested and developed by other companies that involve transcutaneous stimulation and do not require surgery. Electrical impulses are targeted at the aurical (ear), at points where branches of the vagus nerve have cutaneous representation. Most genetic disorders are quite rare and affect one person in every several thousands or millions. The same disease, such as some forms of cancer, may be caused by an inherited genetic condition in some people, by new mutations in other people, and by nongenetic causes in still other people. Some types of recessive gene disorders confer an advantage in certain environments when only one [1] copy of the gene is present. Over 4000 human diseases are Hemophilia 1 in 10,000 caused by single gene defects. Single gene disorders can be Values are for liveborn infants passed on to subsequent generations in several ways. Genomic imprinting anduniparental disomy, however, may affect inheritance patterns. The divisions between recessive and dominant types are not "hard and fast", although the divisions between autosomal and X-linked types are (since the latter types are distinguished purely based on the chromosomal location of the gene). For example, achondroplasia is typically considered a dominant disorder, but children with two genes for achondroplasia have a severe skeletal disorder of which achondroplasics could be viewed as carriers. Sickle-cell anemia is also considered a recessive condition, but heterozygous carriers have increased resistance to malaria in early childhood, which could be [4] described as a related dominant condition. When a couple where one partner or both are sufferers or carriers of a single gene disorder and wish to have a child, they can do so through in vitro fertilization, which means they can then have a preimplantation genetic diagnosis to check whether the embryo has [5] the genetic disorder. Autosomal dominant[ Only one mutated copy of the gene will be necessary for a person to be affected by an autosomal [6] dominant disorder. Autosomal dominant conditions sometimes have reduced penetrance, which means although only one mutated copy is needed, not all individuals who inherit that mutation go on to [7] develop the disease. Autosomal recessive Two copies of the gene must be mutated for a person to be affected by an autosomal recessive disorder. An affected person usually has unaffected parents who each carry a single copy of the mutated gene (and are referred to as carriers). Two unaffected people who each carry one copy of the mutated gene have a 25% chance with each pregnancy of having a child affected by the disorder. Examples of this type of disorder are Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell disease, Tay-Sachs disease, Niemann-Pick disease, spinal muscular atrophy, and Roberts syndrome. Certain other phenotypes, such as wet versus dry earwax, are also determined in an autosomal recessive [8][9] fashion. X-linked dominant X-linked dominant disorders are caused by mutations in genes on the X chromosome. Only a few disorders have this inheritance pattern, with a prime example being X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets. Males and females are both affected in these disorders, with males typically being more severely affected than females. Some X-linked dominant conditions, such as Rett syndrome, incontinentia pigmenti type 2 and Aicardi syndrome, are usually fatal in males either in utero or shortly after birth, and are therefore predominantly seen in females. The chance of passing on an X-linked dominant disorder differs between men and women. A woman with an X-linked dominant disorder has a 50% chance of having an affected fetus with each pregnancy, although it should be noted that in cases such as incontinentia pigmenti, only female offspring are generally viable. In addition, although these conditions do not alter [citation needed] fertility per se, individuals with Rett syndrome or Aicardi syndrome rarely reproduce. X-linked recessive X-linked recessive conditions are also caused by mutations in genes on the X chromosome. Males are more frequently affected than females, and the chance of passing on the disorder differs between men and women. The sons of a man with an X-linked recessive disorder will not be affected, and his daughters will carry one copy of the mutated gene. A woman who is a carrier of an X-linked recessive R r disorder (X X ) has a 50% chance of having sons who are affected and a 50% chance of having daughters who carry one copy of the mutated gene and are therefore carriers. X-linked recessive conditions include the serious diseases hemophilia A, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, as well as common and less serious conditions such as male pattern baldness and red- green color blindness. X-linked recessive conditions can sometimes manifest in females due to skewed X-inactivation or monosomy X (Turner syndrome).

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The Tower of Light exercise is believed to help keep the aura luminous and create a potent shield of spiritual protecton according to Denning and Phillips. Start the exercise by standing erect without any stfness in the body, arms at the sides. Imagine an intense, bright blue light in a long ellipsoid shape that surrounds the entre body, extending nine inches beyond the surface of the body and sixteen inches above the head and below the feet. Above the head but not touching and within the summit of the blue light, imagine a globe of brilliant white light. Focus on the globe of white light and make it glow brightly while maintaining the blue light surrounding the body. Keeping the focus on the globe of white light, aspire to the highest good possible. Visualize the globe sending down glitering white light flled with silver sparkles that permeate the body. Maintain the visualizaton of the outer blue light while the brilliant silver sparkles fow down into and around the body. Let the globe fade from consciousness, knowing that it has not faded from reality. Do this exercise at the beginning and end of each day to develop profciency in the technique. To get healthy energy moving throughout the body and create a positve vibraton, try the inner smile exercise. Imagine an inner smile while turning the focus of atenton to the inner body; as if looking down on the inner organs. Focus on each body part and greet the organ with a warm inner smile and wish it well. Psychic Self-defense Exercises - Photo courtesy Free Range Stock Psychic self-defense is believed to create a sense of strength and confdence through the applicaton of techniques that are easy to learn and apply. Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips, authors of Practcal Guide to Psychic Self-defense indicate each person is composed of body, feeling, mind, and spirit interactng on an ongoing basis. Contnue breathing gently and become aware of the emoton that is sitng in that area. Gently become aware of the full spectrum of emotons and accept them, smile at them. One can then use the exercise during moments of self-critcism to turn the negatve energy into a healthy acceptance of the whole range of human emotons. The use of visualizaton and intent as a means of psychic self-defense helps liberate one from hidden fears and inhibitons while self-confdently moving into a bright future. A term coined in 1999 by Jim Wagner, taught as "Reality-Based Personal Protecton" from 2003. See generally, Frier & McGinn, A Casebook on Roman Family Law, Oxford Uinversity Press (2004). The you consume a great deal more oxygen recovering from the exercise bout than you would have Los Angeles Times. The Brain will then send out Human Growth Hormone and other fat dissolving muscle building enzymes, hormones, chemicals to increase survival. It stays your body for two hours, going afer body fat like a heat seeking missile. Short, physiques, which would you rather have – the physique of a sprinter or a long distance runner? This is natural and safe whereas injectng human growth hormone is unnatural and has many adverse side efects. When young athletes train for speed research shows 20 to 25 grams of protein (within 30 minutes of training) with a 4 to 1 rato of carbs to protein, starts the recovery process quicker. So avoid sweets, chips, corn, potatoes and go to low glycemic foods and extra protein right before and afer training. Carbing up with unprocessed spaghet or pasta one or two days before and event can help to saturate some energy reserves in the liver as glycogen. But this is a before competton practce not a training practce and this is not for weight loss. One of the frst books I read on exercise, which set me on the path toward a career in health, was Dr. Cooper was a physician and an Air Force Colonel, and he helped develop a ftness program for the astronauts. His program was based on cardiovascular exercise, and the book incited a revolutonary shif in how people approached exercise and ftness. Cooper actually created the term Aerobics and I bought his program hook, line, and sinker, and it had a major impact on my life. I chose distance running as my We need to understand the connecton to growth hormone and how to actually integrate the approach, and I spent the next 40 years running. Phil taught the Sprint 8 program in a specifc, understandable way, and provided the physiological and scientfc underpinnings of the health impact of growth hormones in Then, about fve years ago Dr. His program introduced me to the concept that high intensity; burst-type sprints could be a far healthier alternatve to long distance running. One of the questons that stood out to me though was when you compare the two types of 50 51 However, endurance comes and goes in as litle as two weeks. You can double your endurance in just two weeks, but you can also lose it prety quickly. But First, Know Your Muscle Fibers… We now know, from more recent research, that you have three muscle fber types with three energy systems that ft together. Super-fast (white muscle) Perhaps the most important aspect of ftness is fast and super-fast muscle fber development. The fast twitch fber moves about fve tmes faster than the slow, but about 30 percent of your muscle fber, the super-fast fber, move 10 tmes faster than the slow. Your heart actually has two totally diferent processes; the aerobic process and the anaerobic process. Meanwhile, traditonal strength training and cardio only works your slow twitch muscle fbers. Your body kicks in these slow twitch muscles frst, in an efort to not recruit your fast twitch muscles or work your heart anaerobically.

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