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Also cheap ibuprofen 600mg overnight delivery pain treatment endometriosis, each individual neuron may become a part of perhaps one hundred separate and distinct pat- terns—much as an individual tree in an orchard may form a part of a square discount 400mg ibuprofen with visa pain treatment in pregnancy, a rectangle purchase ibuprofen 400 mg visa pain medication for little dogs, a triangle buy ibuprofen 600mg lowest price pain treatment center colorado springs co, or any number of larger squares, etc. The neuron in the original engram, of which it was a part, takes on some of the characteris- tics of subsequent engrams of which it becomes a part, and in so doing, changes somewhat the original engram. It gives us reason to believe that adverse and unhappy childhood ex- periences, "traumas. We now know that not only does the past influence the present, but that the present clearly influences the past. Because we did have unhappy childhood experiences and traumas which left engrams behind, does not mean that we are at the mercy of these engrams, or that our pat- terns of behavior are "set," predetermined and unchange- able. Our present thinking, our present mental habits, our attitudes toward past experiences, and our attitudes to- ward the future—all have an influence upon old recorded engrams. Old Recordings Can Be Changed Another interesting finding is that the more a given en- gram is activated, or "replayed," the more potent it be- comes. Eccles and Sherrington tell us that the permanence of engrams is derived from synaptic efficacy (the effi- ciency and ease of connections between the individual neurons that make up the chain) and further, that synaptic efficiency improves with use and diminishes with disuse. Here again, we have good scientific ground for forgetting and ignoring those unhappy experiences from the past and concentrating upon the happy and pleasant. These concepts have developed not from wild specula- tion, a weird mumbo-jumbo about mentally constructed straw men such as the "Id," "Super-Ego" and the like, but from sound scientific research into brain physiology. They go a long way toward restoring the dignity of man as a responsible child of God, able to cope with his past and plan his future, as opposed to the image of man as helpless, victim of his past experiences. No longer can you derive sickly comfort from blaming your parents, society, your early experiences, or the in- justices of "others" for your present troubles. Blaming them, or even yourself for the past mis- takes, however, will not solve your problem, or improve your present or your future. Like a broken phonograph, you can keep on play- ing the same old "broken record" of the past; reliving past injustices; pitying yourself for past mistakes; all of which reactivates failure patterns and failure feelings which color your present and your future. Or, if you choose, you can put on a new record, and reactivate success patterns and "that winning feeling" which help you do better in the present and promise a more enjoyable future. Use the same technique on the "music" that comes out of your own internal machine. But it is not only possible, but I believe practical, to draw certain conclusions and implications from what is already known. In this chapter I would like to tell you some of the things that I believe and which have been of practical value to me. William James once said that everyone, scientists in- cluded, develops his own "over-beliefs" concerning (known facts, which the facts themselves do not justify. As a practical measure, these "over-beliefs" are not only [permissible, but necessary. Our assumption of a future goal, which sometimes we cannot see, is what dictates our present actions, and our "practical conduct. Otherwise he would not have sailed at all—or having sailed, would not have known whether to set his course to the south, east, north or west. Research experiments are not helter-skelter or aimless, but directed and goal oriented. In this last chapter I want to share with you some of my own over-beliefs, hypotheses, and philosophy, not as an M. Hans Selye has said, there are certain "truths" which cannot be used by medicine, but can be used by the patient. Life Force—The Secret of Healing and the Secret of Youth I believe that the physical body, including the physical brain and nervous system, is a machine, composed of numerous smaller mechanisms, all purposeful, or goal directed. Man him- self is not the machine, any more than electricity is the wire over which it flows, or the motor which it turns. Rhine calls "extra-physical"—his life, or vitality; his conscious- ness; his intelligence and sense of identity; that which he calls "I. It was also fairly obvious that the source of this basic energy—• whatever it might be—was something other than the "sur- face energy" we obtain from the food we eat. Hadfield wrote, "It is true that we do store up a certain amount of energy derived physiologically, from the nutriment of food and air. Whether we are to look upon this impulse as cosmic energy, as a life force, or what may be its relation to the Divine immanence in Nature, it is for other investigators to say. Selye has proved the existence bf a basic life force which he calls "adaptation energy. Selye has found that the human body contains various defense mechanisms (local adaptation syndromes or L. Selye, "has been coined for that which is consumed during contin- ued adaptive work, to indicate that it is something differ- ent from the caloric energy we receive from food, but this is only a name, and we still have no precise con- cept of what this energy might be. Further research along these lines would seem to hold great promise, since here we appear to touch upon the fundamentals of aging. Selye has written twelve books and hundreds of articles explaining his clinical studies and his "stress con- cept" of health and disease. Suffice it to say that his findings are recognized by medical experts the world over. And if you wish to learn more of the work which led to his findings, I suggest that you read Dr. Selye has proved is that the body itself is equipped to maintain it- self in health; to cure itself of disease, and to remain youthful by successfully coping with those factors which bring about what we call "old age. This elan vital, life force, or adaptation energy—call it whatever you will—manifests itself in many ways. The energy which heals a wound is the same energy which keeps all our other body organs functioning. When this energy is at an optimum all our organs function better, we "feel good," wounds heal faster, we are more "resis- tant" to disease, we recover from any sort of stress faster, ; we feel and act "younger," and in fact biologically we are younger. It is thus possible to correlate the various mani- festations of this life force, and to assume that whatever works to make more of this life force available to us; whatever opens to us a greater influx of "life stuff"; what- ever helps us utilize it better—literally helps us "all over. Whatever nonspecific therapy helps us over- come aches and pains, might, for example, improve eye- i sight. And this is precisely the direction which medical research is now taking and which appears most promis- ing. These "new" and "young" cells are then made into a tissue extract and injected into the patient. If the liver is malfunctioning, embryonic animal liver cells are used; if the kidneys are ailing, kidney tissue is used, etc. Although no one knows just why, there can be no doubt that some rather startling cures have been obtained.

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Iron is transported should not be used because they interfere with the in the plasma attached to a β-1-globulin known as formation of the phosphomolybdate complex buy ibuprofen 600mg without a prescription allied pain treatment center pittsburgh. A recent report shows a failure to correlate serum iron levels with liver biopsy and subsequent Method: Most assays for inorganic phosphate rely on toxicologic analysis for iron generic ibuprofen 600mg fast delivery northside hospital pain treatment center atlanta ga. It is a major constituent of bone and a vital nificantly lower values than their free-ranging coun- cellular component trusted ibuprofen 400 mg pain treatment ladder, playing important roles in the terparts buy discount ibuprofen 600mg ocean view pain treatment center. Very little data different standards are used (eg, human, bovine, from birds is available. Because it is impossible to have a have little importance in diagnosing hemochroma- 74,75 species-specific standard for all species presented to tosis, but insufficient research has been performed. This enzyme functions in compensated and already calibrated in scales ex- the digestion of fat in the diet. For ters yielded higher values than the biuret method, diagnostic purposes, a blood sample from a repre- with the temperature-compensated instrument be- sentative of the same species should be included for ing consistently higher in readings than the non- comparison. Temperature stress (hypothermia or sults from the refractometer and the biuret methods hyperthermia) is associated with nitrogen loss, in- may not be possible in some species. Hypoproteinemia can reflect reduced synthesis Physiology: Most plasma proteins, with the excep- caused by chronic hepatopathies, malabsorption tion of immunoglobulins and protein hormones, are caused by chronic enteropathies (enteritis, tumors, synthesized in the liver. They form the basis of organ parasitism), increased loss caused by proteinuria due and tissue structure, operate as catalysts (enzymes) to renal disease, blood loss and malignant tumors in biochemical reactions, are regulators (hormones) (rarely seen in birds) or starvation and malnutrition. The biological activity of tious diseases that stimulate production synthesis of proteins for these various functions is dependent gamma globulin. The proteins are the yolk precursors (vitel- Electrophoresis logenin and lipoproteins), which are synthesized in Sample: Serum is most commonly used for protein the liver and transported via the plasma to the ovary electrophoresis in mammals, so fibrinogen is not in- where they are incorporated in the oocyte. Hemolysis will affect electro- phoresis results, and heparinized plasma is often Diagnostic Value: Total protein is often used as an 50,54,72 used to prevent this problem. Determi- nation of plasma protein concentrations may be of Method: Electrophoresis is used to separate differ- value in diagnosing gastrointestinal, hepatic or renal ent types of plasma proteins, making it possible to diseases. Furthermore, plasma proteins will be ab- determine their relative proportion in a particular normal in infectious diseases that cause a stimulation sample. Although determination of supported on a specific matrix, is placed in an electri- plasma proteins seldom leads to a specific diagnosis cal field, causing the different protein fractions to (eg, in the case of monoclonal gammopathies), it will migrate at varying speeds toward the anode based on help the clinician to evaluate the severity and pro- their relative charge. The length and height of each peak dietary protein, temperature stress, state of hydra- ithin the pattern indicates the relative amount of a tion, hemorrhage and inflammation. Some immunoglobulins, including IgM and IgA, also migrate in the β-globulin range. The γ-globu- Sample: Serum and lipemic specimens should be lin fraction is mainly composed of immunoglobulins 66 warmed to 37°C and vigorously mixed prior to analy- (IgA, IgM, IgE and IgG). Diagnostic Value: In healthy birds the albumin frac- Method: Usually, triglycerides are enzymatically de- tion is the largest protein fraction. Often albumin concentrations are decreased in these situ- Physiology: Triglycerides are the major storage form ations. The combined effect of these changes is a of lipids, and are a major energy source. Examples of diseases with a decrease in the A/G ratio are egg-related peritonitis, and Diagnostic Value: Triglyceride values have been in- chronic infectious diseases such as aspergillosis, psit- sufficiently evaluated in birds. Serum or plasma protein electrophoresis can be used to monitor response to treatment. When the bird Physiologic Influence: Triglyceride levels may vary responds favorably, an increase in the albumin con- based on climate, hormone influence, diet and gen- centration and a decrease in the globulin concentra- der. Increases may occur during starvation, particu- tion can be observed, which leads to normalization of larly in obese birds. In birds with liver failure, extremely shown to elevate triglyceride concentrations in some species. Gastrointestinal Pathologic Changes: Egg-related peritonitis has and renal diseases can also lead to severe hypoprote- been associated with high concentrations of trigly- inemia. Because triglyceride values are Physiologic Influence: Physiologic factors that may determined based on enzymatically released glycerol, change the protein concentration and therefore affect these values may be falsely elevated after exercise or protein electrophoresis results include gender, age, following any event that causes increased levels of blood glycerol (eg, catching birds in an aviary). However, if refer- Method: Both indirect methods (based on prelimi- ence intervals are available, hyperuricemia is a good nary hydrolysis of urea with urease) and direct meth- indicator of renal disease. Normal uric acid concen- ods (based on variations in the thiazide reaction) are trations do not guarantee that the kidneys are used for urea determination. Juvenile Physiology: In the liver, protein breakdown to amino birds have lower concentrations than adults. In mately 50% lower uric acid concentrations than do dehydrated birds, nearly all of the filtered urea is carnivorous birds. Decreased filtration may occur from ever, recent investigations have shown good correla- hypovitaminosis A-induced damage to renal epi- tion between increased plasma urea concentrations thelial cells, dehydration, intoxications or from some and renal disease in pigeons. If a toenail clip is used Physiologic Influence: Physiologic conditions are for blood collection and urates from the droppings known to change urea concentrations in mammals, contaminate the sample, the uric acid levels may be but similar effects have not been documented in falsely elevated. If the blood uric acid concentration exceeds its solu- Pathologic Changes: High urea plasma levels can bility it will be deposited in different locations in the occur in all conditions that cause low urine flow, such body. High plasma or serum concentrations of uric as dehydration or bilateral ureteral obstruction. Hypervitaminosis D -induced renal dam-3 Method: Both wet and dry chemistry systems use age is frequently associated with gout and extremely oxidation of urates by uricase as a detection method. This problem is particularly Most uricase methods are extremely specific and only common in macaws. This has been described for a few structural analogues to uric acid will interfere 2,25,43 aminoglycosides (gentamicin), and allopurinol in with the test. Physiology: In birds, uric acid is the major product of Hypouricemia is much less common in birds than the catabolism of nitrogen. Approxi- reduced synthesis of uric acid has been suggested as mately 90% of blood uric acid is eliminated by secre- one etiology. Only 50% of the healthy avian kidney is actually used for excreting protein waste, providing a large functional reserve. Sodium and chloride together represent the ma- by severe tissue damage, reduced potassium excre- jority of the osmotically active constituents of tion by diseased kidneys,25,73 adrenal disease73 or be- plasma. Physiologic Influence: In budgerigars, no gender or Hypokalemia may be caused by decreased potassium other physiologic variables have been observed. Sodium Potassium Sample: Either heparinized plasma or serum is ap- Sample: Either heparinized plasma or serum is ap- propriate for sodium assays. Electrolyte concen- electrode methods are used, whole blood is also an trations are different between serum and plasma. Differences in the electrolyte con- Hyperlipemia and hyperproteinemia will cause centrations in serum and plasma must be considered falsely low potassium levels by a mechanism similar when interpreting results.

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The corre- sponding clinical and pathologic fea- tures purchase ibuprofen 400 mg visa pain treatment satisfaction questionnaire, as well as some suggestions for control and therapy generic ibuprofen 400 mg on line home treatment for shingles pain, are mentioned in the pertinent chapters 400 mg ibuprofen amex pain treatment associates west plains mo. Pigeons frequently have trichomoni- asis (canker) of the oropharynx and the crop as well as occasional sys- temic infections ibuprofen 600mg without prescription treatment for pain caused by shingles, which cause lesions in the liver, base of the heart and lungs. One-half to propatagium before inserting a needle may help reduce post-cannulation bleeding (cour- one hour after collection of the sam- tesy of Curt Vogel). With cooling down of sam- and recovery phases with this combination, but in ples or cadavers, the agent becomes invisible. There- general it appears to provide satisfactory restraint fore, sending samples to a diagnostic laboratory is of for about 25 minutes. Infectious esophagitis) Dermanyssus gallinae – Golden feather louse – Contagious paralysis (syn. Eastern and western equine Sarcopterinus nidulans – Narrow body louse encephalomyelitis Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis Cytodytes nudus Bonomiella columbae Rubivirus – Air sac mite Physconelloides spp. West-Nil-Virus – Forms nodules within the subcutis – Bedbugs Avian paramyxovirus, serotype 1 Neonyssus spp. Haematosiphon inodora Newcastle disease, serotype 1 – In nasal and sinus cavities – Adobe bug pigeon, serotype 7 Speleognathus striatus Oeciacus vicarius Avian influenzavirus A – As above Triatoma spp. Avian retrovirus Cheyletiella heteropalpa – Assassin bug – Type C retrovirus group (Avian – Feather mite Ceratophyllus spp. Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare – Louse fly Hypoderaeum conoideum Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Stribometapa podostyla Cotylurus cornutus Listeria spp. Dispharynx nasuta Toxoplasma gondii Acinetobacter calcoaceticus – Spiral stomach worm Sarcosporidia spp. Cryptococcus neoformans – Thread worms Trypanosoma hannai Histoplasma capsulatum Syngamus trachea Spironucleus columbae Aspergillus spp. Squabs are particularly susceptible to the virus and may small portions to avoid overloading the crop. London, New York, Aca- Brieftauben - Diagnostik und Columbiformes by cloacal characters. München, Wien, Old- the pigeon’s egg, with especial refer- graphic Anatomy and Diagnosis of 23. Biol Bull 13:251-271, che Untersuchungen an jungen und Biol Bull 13:231-250, 1907. Hoffman und Morphology and mechanisms of the Utrecht, The Netherlands, vet med pp 335-338; 386-387, 1972. Korbel R: Praxis der Injektions - und tional Aeronautics and Space Admini- Columba livia domestica. Utrecht, lin, Heidelberg, New York, Springer Blutentnahmetechniken an Vogelpa- stration, 1972. Korbel R: Zwangsmaßnahmen beim pam, Climazolam und Pentobarbital- die Musterung und Färbung von Tauben (Columba livia Gmelin 1789) Vogelpatienten. München, lagen und praktische Durchführung, ztliche Hochschule, vet med Diss, Jahrbuch, Abteilung für allgemeine Universität, vet med Diss, 1987, pp 1- Teil 1,2. The C H A P T E R Red Junglefowl, Common Turkey and M Helmeted Guineafowl have been domes- ticated for centuries and are of considerable economic importance. Some varieties reach monstrous propor- tions and some members of the order, like the Japa- nese Quail and various pheasants, are approaching a level of complete domestication. Other species are from niches with specific environmental require- ments and need specialized diets, humidity or tem- perature to survive. Maintaining, breeding, treating or dealing with gal- linaceous birds may be regulated by laws that govern Christian Schales the protection of animals, property rights, exchange Kerstin Schales of goods, liability, epornitics, food for human con- sumption, hunting and (international) transport of animals. Several gallinaceous birds have anatomic or physi- ologic peculiarities that should be discussed. The feathers in this region are temporarily lost, and body heat is transferred directly from the brooding bird to the eggs. Tail-less breeds of the domestic fowl and the argus pheasants have no preen gland. A brush-like feather tuft that absorbs secretions from the gland is present on the uropygial teat (see Figure 24. Junglefowl possess marked unpaired carneous combs consisting of a wide intermediate layer, which is formed of a fibrillar network filled with mucus-like substances that impact elastic stability to the comb. The paired wattles of the throat are similar In New World quail, the edge of the lower bill is in structure to the comb (Figure 45. An osseous process, the size of the wattles is influenced by hormones, and which can be large in some species or subspecies, both are better developed in cocks than in hens. The wattles The structure of the skin appendages on the head and of the Helmeted Guineafowl are white to light-blue neck of turkeys varies from those described in jungle- and, like the helmet, are larger in cocks than in hens. These appendages have no elastic intermediate layer but do have superficial, muscular and vascular some cracids also possess ornamental appendages of layers. Turkeys have a single snood on the forehead that can Some breeds of the domestic fowl, some megapodes, increase or decrease in length. Numerous red carun- some francolins, some tragopans and some pheas- cles are located on the poorly feathered blue skin of ants have completely featherless heads and necks or the head. A beard consisting of tough dark bristles is featherless areas of the head or neck. Turkey hens have smaller skin appendages than species have red-colored supra-ocular combs. These cocks, and a beard is found occasionally in older unfeathered regions become swollen during the mat- 34 ing season. The number of rectrices var- ies among different species: the domestic fowl has 7 Phasianidae (phasianids) 70 203 pairs; the Bulwer’s Wattled Pheasant has 12 to 16 Numidinae (guineafowl) 4 6 pairs. Ornamental feathers can originate from differ- ent portions of the plumage including tail coverts Pavoninae (peafowl) 2 3 (peafowl), rectrices (many pheasants) and chin feath- Meleagridinae (turkeys) 1 2 ers (capercaillies). Birds that are indigenous to open Argusianinae (peacock pheasants and 3 8 terrain often have a patterned plumage that serves argus pheasants) as camouflage. Attempting to escape from predators by running or flying in open terrain is poor Ithagininae (Blood Pheasant) 1 1 defense; thus, most ground-dwelling gallinaceous Gallinae (junglefowl) 1 4 birds remain immobile when predators approach and Tragopaninae (tragopans) 1 5 flee only as a last ditch effort to escape. Galloperdicinae (spurfowl) 1 3 Gallinaceous birds generally have well developed af- Ptilopachinae (Stone Partridge) 1 1 terfeathers (hypopennae). In some cracids, the vanes of the first pri- Perdicinae (partridges, snowcocks, 27 98 francolins, Old World quail) maries are curved and narrow, which, when a bird flies, produce a unique sound that is used to mark its Odontophorinae (New World quail) 9 31 28 territory. Tetraoninae (grouse) 9 16 Most gallinaceous birds molt once a year, generally after the breeding season. Gallinaceous birds retain The cocks of many gallinaceous birds have spurs, their ability to fly during a molt. The secondaries are which are osseous eminences originating from the molted in a divergent pattern from an inner starting tarsometatarsus and are covered by keratinized epi- point. If spurs occur in hens, they low Ptarmigan lives in a subarctic-type habitat and are generally smaller than in cocks and often have no 34 molts three times a year in order to adapt to color osseous component.

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And their success mechanism is limited to these built-in goal- images buy ibuprofen 600 mg foot pain tendonitis treatment, which we call "instincts ibuprofen 400 mg with amex treatment pain genital herpes. Man alone can direct his Success Mechanism by the use of imagination buy ibuprofen 600 mg otc florida pain treatment center inc, or imaging ability cheap ibuprofen 600mg overnight delivery pain treatment lupus. We often think of "Creative Imagination" as applying only to poets, inventors, and the like. Although they did not under- stand why, or how imagination sets our creative mecha- nism into action, serious thinkers of all ages, as well as hard-headed "practical" men, have recognized the fact and made use of it. Destroy this faculty, and the condition of man will become as stationary as that of the brutes," said Dugold Stewart, the famous Scot- tish philosopher. Kaiser, who attributes much of his success in business to the constructive, positive use of creative imagination. But new discoveries in the science of Cybernetics all point to the conclusion that your physical brain and ner- vous system make up a servo-mechanism which "You" use, and which operates very much like an electronic com- puter, and a mechanical goal-seeking device. Your brain and nervous system constitute a goal-striving mechanism which operates automatically to achieve a certain goal, very much as a self-aiming torpedo or missile seeks out its target and steers its way to it. Your built-in servo- mechanism functions both as a "guidance system" to auto- matically steer you in the right direction to achieve cer- tain goals, or make correct responses to environment, and also as an "electronic brain" which can function auto- matically to solve problems, give you needed answers, and provide new ideas or "inspirations. John von Newmann says that the human brain possesses the attributes of both the analogue and the digital computer. The word "Cybernetics" comes from a Greek word which means literally, "the steersman. I choose to call this new concept "Psycho-Cybernetics": the principles of Cybernetics as applied to the human brain. An example of the first type is the self-guided torpedo, or the interceptor missile. They must have some sort of propulsion system which propels them forward in the general direction of the tar- get. These "sense organs" keep the machine informed when it is on the correct course (positive feed- back) and when it commits an error and gets off course (negative feedback). When negative feedback informs the mechanism that it is "off the beam" too far to the right, the corrective mechanism automatically causes the rudder to move so that it will steer the machine back to the left. If it "overcorrects" and heads too far to the left, this mis- take is made known through negative feedback, and the corrective device moves the rudder so it will steer the machine back to the right. The torpedo accomplishes its goal by going forward, making errors, and continually correcting them. We are able to accomplish the goal of picking up the cigarettes because of an automatic mechanism, and not by "will" and forebrain thinking alone. All that the fore- brain does is to select the goal, trigger it into action by desire, and feed information to the automatic mechanism so that your hand continually corrects its course. Wiener, only an anatomist would know all the muscles involved in picking up the cigarettes. And if you knew, you would not consciously say to yourself, "I must contract my shoulder muscles to elevate my arm, now I must contract my triceps to extend my arm, etc. Next, your automatic mechanism uses feedback data furnished to the brain by your eyes, which tells it "the degree to which the ciga- rettes are not picked up. In a baby, just learning to use its muscles, the correc- tion of the hand in reaching for a rattle is very obvious. It is characteristic of all learning that as learn- ing takes place, correction becomes more and more re- fined. We see this in a person just learning to drive a car, who "over-corrects" and zigzags back and forth across the street. Once, however, a correct or "successful response" has been accomplished—it is "remembered" for future use. The automatic mechanism then duplicates this successful response on future trials. It "remembers" its successes, forgets its failures, and repeats the successful action without any fur- ther conscious "thought"—or as a habit. How Your Brain Finds Answers to Problems Now let us suppose that the room is dark so that you cannot see the cigarettes. You know, or hope, there is a package of cigarettes on the table, along with a variety of other objects. Instinctively, your hand will begin to "grope" back and forth, performing zigzag motions (or "scanning") rejecting one object after another, until the cigarettes are found and "recognized. A "Scan- ner" in your brain scans back through your stored memo- ries until the correct name is "recognized. It scans back through its memory until it locates the only "answer" which is consistent with and meets all the conditions of the problem. When part of the situation or structure (the problem) is given to the machine, it locates the only "missing parts," or the right size brick, so to speak, to complete the structure. The more that is learned about the human brain, the more closely it resembles—insofar as function is concerned —a servo-mechanism. Wilder Penfield, director of the Montreal Neurological Institute, recently reported at a meeting of the National Academy of Sciences, that he had discovered a recording mechanism in a small area of the brain, which apparently records everything that a person has ever experienced, observed or learned. At once the patient exclaimed that she was "reliving" an incident from her childhood, which she had consciously forgotten. When certain areas of the cortex were touched, patients did not merely "remember" past experiences, they "re- lived" them, experiencing as very real all the sights, sounds and sensations of the original experience. It was just as if past experiences had been recorded on a tape recorder and played back. Just how a mechanism as small as the human brain can store such a vast amount of in- formation is still a mystery. A Look at the Automatic Mechanism in Action We marvel at the awesomeness of interceptor missiles which can compute in a flash the point of interception of another missile and "be there" at the correct instant to make contact. Yet, are we not witnessing something just as wonderful each time we see a center fielder catch a fly ball? In order to compute where the ball will fall, or where the "point of interception" will be, he must take into account the speed of the ball, its curvature of fall, its direction, wind- age, initial velocity and the rate of progressive decrease in velocity. He must make these computations so fast that he will be able to "take off" at the crack of the bat. Next, he must compute just how fast he must run, and in what direction in order to arrive at the point of interception at the same time the ball does. His built-in goal-striving mechanism computes it for him from data which he feeds it through his eyes and ears. The computer in his brain takes this in- formation, compares it with stored data (memories of other successes and failures in catching fly balls). All necessary computations are made in a flash and orders are issued to his leg muscles—and he "just runs. Wiener has said that at no time in the foreseeable future will scientists be able to construct an electronic brain anywhere near comparable to the human brain. Once, when complimented for a creative idea, he disclaimed credit, saying that "ideas are in the air," and if he had not discovered it, someone else would have.

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Ginsenosides are the primary multiple functions ranging from infammation inhibition constituents present in ginseng roots that are claimed to and cancer suppression to reduction of metabolic syndrome beneft health. With respect to T2D, protect against apoptosis of the pancreatic -cell line, Min- this compound lowered hyperglycemia, increased insulin 6cells[171]. One study proposed that ginseng alters mito- resistance, stimulated pancreatic -cell regeneration, and chondrial function as well as apoptosis cascades to ensure cell decreased lipid peroxidation in a mouse model of T2D viability in pancreatic islet cells [174]. Tus, it may be useful for treatment of T2D and from ginseng extracts were reportedly responsible for this other types of diabetes. One study reported that ginsenoside Rh2 berberine per se does not show glycemic control in T2D is an active compound that improves insulin resistance in patients. However, the in vivo protective role of the extracts and on experimental animals [103, 183–185]. Like many spices such as garlic and ginger, study reported that consumption of ginger powder, 3 g per turmeric shows hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic efects on day for 30 days, signifcantly reduced blood glucose and lipids diabetic mice [175]. Conversely, another study stated that serum insulin levels to maintain blood glucose levels in consumptionofgingerpowder,4gdailyfor3months,didnot healthy subjects [99]. Curcumin is a major constituent of alter blood sugar and lipids in patients with coronary artery the rhizomatous powder of turmeric (Curcuma longa)and disease [187]. Tis discrepancy may result from the variation is commonly used as food and medicine in southern Asia. Curcumin and turmeric rhizomes show a number of bioac- Gingerolandshogaolarethemainactivecompoundsin tivities such as antioxidant, anti-infammatory, antidiabetic, ginger extract. Weisberg and colleagues pointed protection and increased insulin receptor signaling [102]. Te outthatcurcum inreversesm anyoftheinfam m atory role of shogaol in T2D treatment is not clear although this and metabolic derangements associated with obesity and compound showed an elevation of glucose uptake in response improves glycemic control in mouse models of type 2 toinsulininmuscleandadiposecells[103]. Chuengsamarn and colleagues showed that afer 9 months of treatment, a curcumin-treated group 4. It is made of the leaves and leaf Also, the curcumin-treated group showed a lower level of buds of the Camellia sinensis species. Tis study demonstrated health benefts of this tea is reduction of T2D risk and that curcumin can prevent T2D in humans [177]. Chinese green tea and oolong tea can tently, another clinical study exhibited that the ingestion prevent and/or ameliorate type 2 diabetes in humans [188– of turmeric increased postprandial serum insulin levels 190] and experimental mouse models [191, 192]. Tese data suggest that curcumin, a major favonol in tea, was shown to have antidiabetic activ- bioactive compound of turmeric, ameliorates T2D via regu- ities in rodents [104, 105]. Further, antidiabetic actions including islet protection, increasing turmerin, an anti-oxidant protein identifed from turmeric, insulin secretion, decreasing insulin tolerance, and decreas- was also shown to inhibit -glucosidase activity [100]. Mate tea is made from the leaves of mate, Ilex paraguariensis (Aquifoliaceae), in South America [101]. Its tective, choleretic, diuretic, hypocholesterolemic, antirheu- mode of action involves reduction of insulin resistance and matic, antithrombotic, anti-infammatory, antiobese, and regulation of the hepatic glucose metabolic enzymes [88]. Long-term consumption of mate tea sig- compound also decreases postprandial blood glucose level in nifcantly increases serum insulin and ameliorates hyper- streptozotocin-treated or normal mice [107]. Collectively, these fndings in soybeans improve insulin resistance and enhancement suggestthatmateandprobablyitsactivecompoundsact of insulin release [195, 196]. Ginger, Zingiber ofcinale,is genistein has been reported to treat obesity and diabetes [197]. Tis compound preserved islet mass by increasing -cell Compelling data show that ginger extract has hypoglycemic, count, proliferation, and survival in the pancreas [108, 109]. Resveratrol is a stilbene compound, com- could improve glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and pre- monly found in plants and their products. It has a broad vent apoptosis and dysfunction in cells in the presence spectrum of bioactivities such as hepatoprotective, anti- of palmitate [112]. Further, the antidiabetic action of glyceollin- to treat diabetes [213, 214] and related complications [215– rich soybean extract was confrmed in diabetic mice [121]. When used as a T2D In conclusion, soybean and/or its active components can therapy evidence suggests that resveratrol exerts its action treat T2D via multiple pathways mainly involving insulin through multiple mechanisms. Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) is endemic to It also prevented cell death of pancreatic cells induced SouthAfrica. Rutin, quercetin-3-O- indicated that resveratrol can improve glycemic control in rutinoside, is an inhibitor of -glucosidase [115]. Cofee is one of the most commonly consumed glucoseuptakeinhepatocytesin vitro andinmicein vivo, drinks worldwide. Recently, several studies have demon- implying the function of rutin in insulin resistance [117]. AloeresinA,anactive in those drinking either type of cofee afer 8 weeks of compound of A. Cofeeisoneofthemajor abetic actions via inhibition of -glucosidase and intestinal sources of dietary antioxidants. It is commonly used betic therapy has shifed from monotherapy to combination to treat infammation, viral infections, cancers, and metabolic therapy. So far, no antidiabetic agents, used alone or in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 25 combination, have been able to cure this disease in humans. Compelling data on T2D treatment suggest that multiple targeting of the References previousmetabolicpathwaysisaplausible,albeitnotyet fully developed approach to reversing T2D. Zimmet,“Globalestimatesof interference of these targets with antidiabetic agents has theprevalenceofdiabetesfor2010and2030,”Diabetes Research undesirable side efects. Te multiple Panax ginseng berry extract and the identifcation of an efective targets associated with antidiabetic herbal medicine make component,” Diabetes,vol. Laakso, “Insulin resistance and its impact on the approach investigation into clinical applications of medicinal plants as to therapy of Type 2 diabetes,” International Journal of Clinical T2D therapies. Bell, “Complications of diabetes: prevalence, detection, current treatment, and prognosis,” Amer- 5. Schneider, T2D, a disease known to man for many millennia, causes “Targeting -cell function early in the course of therapy for serious morbidity and mortality in humans. Despite signif- type 2 diabetes mellitus,” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and icant progress in T2D and the development of antidiabetic Metabolism,vol. Gianani, “Beta cell regeneration in human pancreas,” Semi- used in alternative and complementary medicine systems, nars in Immunopathology,vol.

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