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The skin is thick The typical oral lesions are small whitish con- with small velvety papillary lesions order 160mg super p-force amex erectile dysfunction gnc, tags (Fig buy generic super p-force 160mg online drugs for erectile dysfunction ppt. The most common sites of and become hypertrophic discount super p-force 160mg free shipping psychological erectile dysfunction wiki, assuming a cobblestone involvement are the axillae buy super p-force 160mg overnight delivery impotence over 40, neck, groins, appearance (Fig. Dyskeratosis follicularis, multiple whitish confluent papules on the gingiva and alveolar mucosa. Genetic Diseases The differential diagnosis includes acanthosis ni- topathologic, biochemical, ultrastructural, and gricans, papillary hyperplasia of the palate, warty genetic criteria the disorder falls into three major dyskeratoma, and familial benign pemphigus. In the oral mucosa a few bullae may rarely occur, Familial Benign Pemphigus leaving erosions that heal without scarring (Fig. Familial benign pemphigus, or Hailey-Hailey dis- In the atrophic subgroup belong junctional ease, is a rare skin disease inherited as an auto- epidermolysis bullosa, which is also called epider- somal dominant trait. Clinically, it is characterized molysis bullosa letalis, and generalized atrophic by a reccurent group of small flaccid vesicles aris- benign epidermolysis bullosa. The skin lesions are usually consist of generalized bullae formation, which localized, with a tendency to spread peripherally, heal without scarring. The although the center heals with pigmentation or oral mucosa shows bullae, severe ulcerations, and exhibits granular vegetations. The disease appears most frequently lesions in the generalized atrophic benign type. The oral lesions con- In the dystrophic subgroup belong dominant sist of groups of small vesicles that rupture easily, dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa and recessive leaving denuded localized areas covered with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. Clinically, bullae occur in to third decade and has a good prognosis, areas of friction, which rupture leaving ulcers and although the clinical course is characterized by scarring after the acute eruption. The tongue remissions and exacerbations and shows little ten- becomes depapillated and scarred (Fig. Finally, leuko- and cicatricial pemphigoid and transient acan- plakia, and squamous cell carcinomas may tholytic dermatosis. Histopathologic examination Generalized skin bullae leaving ulcerations that supports the clinical diagnosis. The lesions antifungal or antibacterial ointments or creams are more often found on the hands, feet, knees, are of value in cases with secondary infection of and elbows. Systemic steroids are used only in Dystrophy and loss of the nails are common severe cases. Epidermolysis Bullosa The differential diagnosis should include pemphi- Epidermolysis bullosa is a group of inherited dis- gus, bullous pemphigoid, linear IgA disease, bul- orders characterized by bullae formation on the lous erythema multiforme, dermatitis herpetifor- skin and mucous membranes spontaneously or mis, cicatricial pemphigoid of childhood, and bul- after mechanical friction. Histopathologic examination is The differential diagnosis should include multiple important to establish the final diagnosis of differ- mucosal neuromas, multiple endocrine neoplasia ent groups of epidermolysis bullosa. Histopathologic examination of steroids, vitamin E, phenytoin, and retinoids have oral and skin neurofibromas is helpful in establish- been used in severe cases. Treatment is supportive and presents many problems for the dermatologist, surgeon, Neurofibromatosis and endocrinologist. The cardinal features of the disease are the cafe-au-lait spots and the skin neurofibromas. The skin neurofibromas are multiple and may be either cutaneous or subcutaneous (Fig. The oral cavity is uncommonly affected but may exhibit multiple or, rarely, isolated nodular neurofibromas, which vary in size (Fig. Epidermolysis bullosa, recessive dystrophic, scarring, dystrophy and loss of the fingernails. The angiomatous lesions may sometimes be Chondroectodermal dysplasia, or Ellis-van Cre- excised surgically, cauterized, or treated with the veld syndrome, is inherited as an autosomal reces- cryoprobe. The main characteristics are bilateral polydactyly, chondrodysplasia of long bones, involvement of ectodermal tissues (hair, nails, Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome teeth), and, rarely, congenital heart disease. The most constant oral finding is fusion of the Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is transmitted as an auto- upper or lower lip to the gingiva, resulting in the somal dominant disorder with a high degree of disappearance of the mucolabial fold or multiple penetrance, characterized by intestinal polyposis fibrous bands (Fig. The man- conical teeth with enamel hypoplasia are also ifestations, which may be apparent at any age, present. About 50% of tal syndrome, acrofacial dysostosis of Weyers, the patients have numerous dark spots on the other forms of chondrodystrophies. Pigmented spots 1 to 10 mm in diameter are always found in the oral mucosa, particularly on the lower lip and the buccal mucosa, but rarely on the upper lip, the tongue, the palate, and the gingiva (Fig. Oral pigmentation constitutes the most important diagnostic finding and appears Hereditary Hemorrhagic in the form of oval, round, or irregular brown or Telangiectasia black spots or patches. Radiologic evaluation of the gas- and small vessels, the disease usually develops trointestinal tract is helpful in establishing the during adolescence and affects both sexes. These lesions have a bright red, purple, or violet color and disappear on pressure with a glass slide. The oral mucosa is frequently involved with multiple lesions on the lip and the dorsum of the tongue (Fig. Hemor- rhage from oral lesions is frequent after minimal mechanical damage, such as tooth brushing. Epistaxis and gastrointestinal bleeding are ear- ly, common, and occasionally serious complica- tions. Chondroectodermal dysplasia, disappearance of the mucolabial sulcus and multiple fibrous bands. It is not clear whether it represents an mainly of the colon, multiple osteomas, other inherited disorder or a dysplasia. The skin lesions are epidermal and seba- ple enchondromas, principally in the small bones ceous cysts, subcutaneous fibromas and other fi- of the hands and feet, although any bone of car- brous tissue disorders, and rarely increased skin tilaginous origin may be affected; multiple heman- pigmentation. Multiple osteomas are a common giomas localized on the skin, mucosae, and vis- finding usually located at the facial bones and the cera; phleboliths; and pigmented skin macules. Oral manifestations include multiple The oral mucosa is rarely affected and the oral osteomas of the jaws (Fig. The and impacted teeth, odontomas, and rarely benign tongue is the most frequent site of hemangiomas, fibrous soft tissue tumors (Fig. The oral but the buccal mucosa, lips, soft palate, and other lesions are innocent but intestinal polyps have a oral regions can also be involved (Fig. Surgical excision of the enchondromas and hemangiomas may be attempted if they are symptomatic. Genetic Diseases Tuberous Sclerosis The differential diagnosis of oral lesions should include multiple fibromas, multiple condylomata Tuberous sclerosis, or Bourneville-Pringle syn- acuminata, focal epithelial hyperplasia, and drome, is transmitted as an autosomal dominant neurofibromatosis. Histophatologic examination of icap, paraventricular calcifications, multiple small skin and oral mucosa lesions and skull radiographs gliomas, mucocutaneous manifestations, skeletal are helpful in the diagnosis. Characteristic lesions occur on the face, princi- pally along the nasolabial fold and cheeks. These are numerous small nodules, red to pink in color, which are actually angiofibromas, although the prevailing term is "adenoma sebaceum" (Fig. Other cutaneous changes are white macules (maple leaf or ash leaf), cafe-au-lait spots, skin tags, and multiple periungual fibromas (Fig. The gingiva or other parts of the oral mucosa may exhibit confluent nodules a few mil- limeters to less than 1 cm in diameter, which are of whitish or normal color (Fig.

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These have an upper opening in the floor of Anomalies of the External Auditory Canal the external auditory meatus and the lower opening behind the angle of jaw at the ante- The congenital abnormalities of the external rior border of sternomastoid order super p-force 160mg visa erectile dysfunction treatment doctor. The Dermoid Cysts malformed external canal is usually filled with These may occasionally occur in relation to dense bone super p-force 160 mg without a prescription erectile dysfunction zurich, sometimes cartilage and dense the pinna generic super p-force 160mg line erectile dysfunction doctors in st. louis. Ocular deformities like antimongoloid Ossicular Deformities shape of the palpebral fissures cheap super p-force 160 mg amex erectile dysfunction vitamin deficiency, notching Malleus is the most frequently malformed of the lower eyelids and atrophic lid ossicle. The Treatment of Congenital Atresia of the stapes may show the congenital fixation of its Canal and Middle Ear Deformities foot-plate. It is very important to know of the deformities Abnormal Course of the Facial Nerve beyond the atresia so that the results of surgery can be predicted to some extent. When Congenital dehiscence of the bony canal of the conventional radiography is of little help, facial nerve may occur and the nerve may take more details are provided by tomography. Cases having bilateral congenital atresia should be operated early, usually Mandibulofacial Dysostosis around 18 months to 2 years. This period cor- Congenital atresia in association with other responds to the timing for acquisition of malformations occurs in mandibulofacial speech. The disease develop normal speech, therefore, in severity of the deformity may vary. Its usual hearing mechanism and to create an external features include the following: meatus. Diseases of the External Ear 51 7 Diseases of the External Ear The diseases affecting the auricle may be congenital, inflammatory, traumatic or neo- plastic. Magnesium sulphate furuncle, or may follow an operative proce- paste may be applied. Sometimes the infection may not respond to conservative treatment and follow an insect bite. Antibiotics are given to prevent 52 Textbook of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases secondary infection. Recurrent injury, parti- Otitis externa may be acute or chronic, and cularly in boxers and wrestlers produces a localised (furunculosis) or diffuse. It is also deformity of the pinna called cauliflower ear or classified as infective and reactive otitis boxer’s ear. Frost bite occurs partic- the hair follicle and sebaceous gland, ularly in the upper and outer portions of the occurring in the cartilaginous meatus. Treatment The infection usually follows trauma to the canal caused by pricking or abrasion at Treatment involves slow thawing. There A soft cystic swelling may develop on pinna due to collection of fluid under the skin. The exact aetiology is The furuncle produces a red, swollen area not known but possibly this extravasation of in the canal, and may partially obliterate its fluid is due to trauma of which the patient may lumen. Sometimes the infection can cause cellulitis in the Treatment postaural region, obliterating the postaural Aspiration or incision drainage under aseptic groove. The auricle stands out forwards and precautions is done followed by pressure outwards. Packing of the Diseases of the External Ear 53 canal with gauze soaked in 10 per cent icthyol Treatment in glycerine is helpful. It reduces the oedema Local treatment is necessary and very help- and supports the canal wall thus helping to ful. Most of the cases of furun- piece of ribbon gauze soaked in any antibiotic- culosis are helped by the above treatment. Antibiotic-hydro- cillinase resistant antibiotics like cloxacillin are cortisone drops are used for a few weeks. When the abscess is pointing, it Systemic antibiotics may be prescribed for a needs drainage. Attention is given to the underlying or It is a chronic infection of the ear canal. The common part of seborrhoeic dermatitis or a generalised fungi involved are Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus skin disorder such as eczema. The disease is of chronic otitis media may irritate the skin of more frequent during the rainy season as the the canal and produce its inflammation. The condition may follow from negative group such as Proteus and Pseudo- swimming in infected water. The common symptoms of this disease are itching, pain, discharge and excessive desqua- The patient may complain of discomfort in the mation. The canal appears narrowed, and the skin The canal wall is hyperaemic and the is red, swollen and dry. The epithelial debris fungal debris is seen in the canal with some may be seen filling the canal. Aspergillus niger produces black colonies The tympanic membrane should be and Candida albicans presents as white examined by gently passing the speculum into granules resembling wet blotting paper. Scalp and other areas of the skin the debris is removed, the tympanic memb- are examined for skin lesions. Local applica- The condition may be associated with tions of nystatin in glycerine drops or other chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis. Foreign bodies in the ear are common in children who may put beads, peanuts, beans, Clinical Features pieces of lead pencil (inanimate), etc. Grains of maize and paddy are commonly process and causes destruction of the tissues found both in children and adults particularly of the canal, preauricular and postauricular during the harvest season. Heavy doses of antibiotics like gentamicin or carbenicillin, local cleaning and debridement Clinical Features of necrotic tissues and control of the The patient may present with pain in the ear underlying diabetes are recommended. A living foreign body may be killed by tion of the epithelium in the deep external instilling some oily drops into the ear. Metallic foreign bodies, glass beads and The desquamated epithelium assumes proper- small sized foodgrains may be removed by ties similar to cholesteatoma and causes bony syringing. Diseases of the External Ear 55 If the foreign body is in the outer part of Syringing Syringing of the ear may be neces- the canal, an ear hook may be useful for its sary to remove the wax or a foreign body. It removal by expert with the patient in the should not be done if there is perforation of proper position. The fluid and minous and sebaceous glands of the external the debris are collected in the kidney-shaped auditory canal. If the wax or foreign body is directly hit by the stream of water it moves deeper and The wax may get accumulated and impacted may get impacted. Excessive force used while in the canal wall producing symptoms of syringing may damage the canal wall or the deafness, discomfort, itching and pain. If the water used is not pain occurs because of pressure on the nerve at body temperature, it produces caloric endings. The canal should be mopped dry plug of wax filling the canal and obscuring after syringing. Hard wax may be softened by using oily substances, sodium bicarbonate in Myringitis bullosa is a viral infection charac- glycerine drops or by a number of other wax terised by formation of vesicles on the tym- solvents instilled for a few days before panic membrane and on the adjacent skin of syringing. The curette should be used gently Clinical Features without traumatising the ear canal.

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Medical College, Cuttack ƒ Tripura- Agartala Medical College, Agartala ƒ Madhya Pradesh- Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal ƒ Bihar- Patna Medical College, Patna These centres will provided tertiary level of care for referred cases, undertake training programmes and research in the field of Geriatrics. Support will be provided for Construction/renovation/extension of the existing building and furniture of department of Geriatrics. Financial assistance will be given for the Drugs and consumables, Research Activities, Human Resources (Contractual) and training to faculty members and doctors from district hospitals. Apart from this, a 6 month certificate course in geriatric medicine will be developed for training of in service candidates in these colleges. Every medical college will train 6 candidates at a time and there will be 2 session each year. Research Research areas will be identified on priority which will include clinical, programmatic and operational research. A special research project on alziemers disease will also be initiated as a multi-centric study. Grants made available to Regional Geriatric Centres will be used for this purpose. The issues described below justify initiation of programme to prevent and manage Epilepsy in India. Treatment gap despite availability of medicines in India: Treatment gap is broadly classified into primary and secondary. In a highly literate population of Kerala a treatment gap of 38% 123 has been found. More treatment gap in epilepsy results in status epilepticus, death, stigma, loss of quality of life and social alienation. Various reasons have been given for the discontinuation of treatment leading to the treatment gap. Treatment gap has been found to be higher in the rural areas and in the low income 128 countries. The main problems faced by the health care professionals are lack of diagnostic facilities (51. Affordable treatment is available : Phenytoin, Carbamazepine, Phenobarbital and Valproic acid has been the choice of first line of treatment in most of the cases. The patient would not have personal or social stigma and the unnecessary cost of the 132 treatment would be curtailed. Phenobarbital has been the first choice of treatment in 96% of the developing countries, Phenytoin in 68. To promote public awareness about epilepsy: alleviation of myths and misconceptions, provision of treatment and prevention. To build capacity at all levels of human resource on prevention and management of epilepsy. Training: Health workers in the community can be effectively trained to identify cases and persuade them to seek treatment. The district medical officer will be considered as the core person to be trained in all aspects stated (public health aspects, prevention, differential diagnosis and diagnosis of epilepsy, particularly of generalized tonic clonic convulsions, febrile convulsions etc. Personnel involved in monitoring and data collection will also be trained in the use of various scales for monitoring change. Awareness generation: Intensive health awareness campaign will be carried out to promote public awareness about epilepsy, its prevention, benefits of treatment, myths and misconceptions etc. Communication needs assessment will be carried out to understand gaps in knowledge and attitude towards epilepsy and treatment practices. If required, second line of drugs can be prescribed at Medical Colleges and Tertiary Care hospitals. Role of the medical colleges will be in diagnosis, management and training for epilepsy. Continued follow-up of patients on treatment and referral system from primary level to secondary/tertiary level hospitals will be developed under the programme. Approximate cost of Firstline medicines for epilepsy and their costs are given below, which will be made available at all levels of care. Role of the medical colleges will be in diagnosis, management and training for epilepsy. Continued follow-up of patients on treatment and referral system from primary level to secondary/tertiary level hospitals will be developed under the programme. Second line medicines for treatment of epilepsy and their current prices are given below: Drug dosage Current price (Rs. Monitoring Indicators: National programme on epilepsy will be monitored and evaluated on the following indicators: 1. Number & % of patients diagnosed and those provided anti-epileptic drugs (by gender) 3. Early identification and diagnosis have implications for treatment, genetic counseling and estimation of the risk of recurrence, management of possible associated 134 conditions, prognostication and prevention, both at the individual and community level. In a Nationwide house to house survey of 3560 140 children 0–6 years of age at Delhi, disability was identified in 6. As reported by Sachdeva et al in a Cross sectional descriptive study conducted in field practice areas of Aligarh on 468 children aged 0–3 years, as many as 7. In community based study from Kerala on 12520 children upto 5 years, there were a total of 311 children with developmental delay, deviation, deformity or disability giving a prevalence 141 of 2. Speech and language problems were observed to be the most common disabilities (29. Hospital based study conducted on 200 apparently healthy children below 2 years of age attending immunization and well baby clinic in Bhopal reported prevalence of developmental 143 delay in 9. Retrospective analysis of case records of 100 consecutive children attending Early Intervention Clinic in Chandigarh reported 88% of the assessed children to be mentally retarded, 50% had cerebral palsy, 25% had epilepsy and 26% had other co-morbid physical 144 disorders. The existence of inborn genetic vulnerabilities in metabolic pathways may lower the threshold at which the influence of environmental factors may be felt, leading to an impact of environment that differs across the population based on genetic substrate. A number of environmental agents like heavy metals have been shown to demonstrate neurotoxic effects either in human or laboratory animal studies.

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