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Blumenthal J cheap tetracycline 250mg overnight delivery antibiotics no dairy, Jiang W discount tetracycline 500 mg visa antibiotic resistance on the rise, Babyak M tetracycline 500 mg visa antimicrobial bag, Krantz D 250 mg tetracycline visa antibiotic news, Frid D, Coleman R, Waugh R, the cortical, autonomic, neuroendocrine, and cardiovascular groups. The effect 29,58 20,47,64 exercise training in cardiac patients with myocardial ischemia. A randomized controlled trial of stress in the health education group were receiving estrogen. Similarly, based on the observation of O’Leary et This study was supported by National Heart, Lung, and Blood 22. Beneficial effects of colestipol-niacin therapy on the Vlodrop, Holland: Maharishi University Press; 1995. Neurosci Biobehav Meditation Practices for Health: State of the Research Effect of lovastatin on early carotid atherosclerosis and cardiovascular events: Rev. A controlled study on the effects of Transcendental Meditation on cardiovascular 30. Automated associated with prevalent cardiovascular disease in middle-aged adults: the intima-media thickness: the Los Angeles Atherosclerosis Study. Association of coronary heart disease incidence with carotid arterial intima-media thickness associated with colestipol/niacin therapy. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada wall thickness and major risk factors: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities 1993;24:1779–1783. Sacco R, Roberts K, Boden-Albala B, Gu Q, Lin I, Kargman D, Berglund L, Ben Vandermeer, M. Carotid artery intima-media thickness distribution in general populations as 220:733–735. Beta-adrenergic of carotid atherosclerosis: the Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Plaque Study. The investigators have no employment, consultancies, honoraria, or stock ownership or options, or royalties from any organization or entity with a financial interest or financial conflict with the subject matter discussed in the report. The information in this report is intended to help clinicians, employers, policymakers, and others make informed decisions about the provision of health care services. This report is intended as a reference and not as a substitute for clinical judgment. This report may be used, in whole or in part, as the basis for development of clinical practice guidelines and other quality enhancement tools, or as a basis for reimbursement and coverage policies. Department of Health and Human Services endorsement of such derivative products may not be stated or implied. The members assessments to assist public- and private- sector organizations in their efforts to improve the of the panel include John Astin, Ph. Thawatchai analyses when appropriate prior to developing their reports and assessments. Catherine Stoney from the National Center for reports undergo peer review prior to their release. We are grateful to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality for granting the individual health plans, providers, and purchasers as well as the healthcare system as a whole by contract for this work and the Task Order Officer, Margaret Coopey, for facilitating the providing important information to help improve healthcare quality. Director Director Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Center for Outcomes and Evidence Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Ruth L. Data Sources: Comprehensive searches were conducted in 17 electronic databases of medical and psychological literature up to September 2005. Other sources of potentially relevant studies included hand searches, reference tracking, contact with experts, and gray literature searches. Review Methods: A Delphi method was used to develop a set of parameters to describe meditation practices. Included studies were comparative, on any meditation practice, had more than 10 adult participants, provided quantitative data on health-related outcomes, and published in English. Two independent reviewers assessed study relevance, extracted the data and assessed the methodological quality of the studies. Results: Five broad categories of meditation practices were identified (Mantra meditation, Mindfulness meditation, Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong). Characterization of the universal or supplemental components of meditation practices was precluded by the theoretical and terminological heterogeneity among practices. Evidence on the state of research in meditation practices was provided in 813 predominantly poor-quality studies. The three most studied conditions were hypertension, other cardiovascular diseases, and substance abuse. Sixty-five intervention studies examined the therapeutic effect of meditation practices for these conditions. Yoga was no better than Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction at reducing anxiety in patients with cardiovascular diseases. The role of effect modifiers in meditation practices has been neglected in the scientific literature. The physiological and neuropsychological effects of meditation practices have been evaluated in 312 poor-quality studies. Meta-analyses of results from 55 studies indicated that some meditation practices produced significant changes in healthy participants. Scientific research on meditation practices does not appear to have a common theoretical perspective and is characterized by poor methodological quality. Firm conclusions on the effects of meditation practices in healthcare cannot be drawn based on the available evidence. Future research on meditation practices must be more rigorous in the design and execution of studies and in the analysis and reporting of results. Evidence on the Physiological and Neuropsychological Effects of Meditation Hypertension. Evidence on the Physiological and Neuropsychological Effects of Meditation Practices. Analytic framework for evidence report on the state of research on meditation Outcome Measures. Meta-analysis of the effect of Zen Buddhist meditation versus blood pressure Types of Control Groups. Meditation practices examined in intervention and observational analytical studies. Meta-analysis of the effect of Yoga (no control) on heart rate in hypertensive Table 15. Observational analytical studies: number of control groups by meditation practice. Meta-analysis of the effect of Yoga (no control) on fasting blood glucose Table 20. Types of control groups for observational analytical studies on meditation practices. Meta-analysis of the effect of Yoga (no control) on breath holding time after Table 23. Observational analytical studies conducted on meditation practices by populations inspiration and expiration.

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Animal models have enabled genetc linkage studies, which have demonstrated the multgenic, polygenic nature of such infammatory diseases with genes on more than 20 diferent chromosomes being linked to infammatory arthrits. Finally, animal models have shown defects in the sympathetc and parasympathetc nervous system in arthrits. These fndings have led to the development and testng of novel therapies (see the penultmate secton, ‘New therapies’). Adrenalectomy or Rangers undergoing extreme exercise, results in chronically elevated glucocortcoids, causing a glucocortcoid receptor blockade exacerbates the disease state and results in death or disease shif from Th1 to Th2 immune response, and is associated with an enhanced susceptbility to viral expression in surviving animals [139,166,167]. It has been suggested that mortality from such infecton, prolonged wound healing, or decreased antbody producton in response to vaccinaton shock-like responses is due to the increased cytokine producton that occurs in adrenalectomized [203-206]. The efects of rolipram have also been suggested to be mediated by catecholamines actons in the suppression of many infammatory immune molecules and cells. The peripheral natural ant-infammatory however, there are many debilitatng side efects including weight gain, bone loss, and mood agent, vasoactve intestnal peptde, has been shown to reduce the severity of arthrits symptoms changes. A role of the cholinergic parasympathetc nervous system in an Human clinical studies are much more difcult to perform than animal models. Subtle changes in cortsol responses have been reported in response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia [201]. However, a higher incidence of thyroid dysfuncton has been steroid therapy that these patents were taking. However, this will not be reviewed here and the synovial tssue to be innervated by sympathetc nerve fbers. The interactons between the neuroendocrine and immune systems provide a fnely tuned regulatory system required for health. Disturbances at any level can lead to changes in susceptbility to, and severity of, autoimmune/infammatory disease. More importantly, these models have demonstrated the importance of endogenous glucocortcoids in the regulaton of immunity and the preventon of lethality from an uncontrolled immune response. There is also evidence of an impaired regulaton of immunity by the sympathetc nervous system and of defects in glucocortcoid signaling. Abnormalites of fusion (i)Spina bifda occulta (ii)Meningocele (iii) Meningomyelocele (iv) Myelocele-rachiscisis (v)Encephalocele (vi) Anencephaly - cranioscisis 2. Abnormalites of cleavage (i)Cyclopia (ii)Arrhinencephaly 416 417 (iii) Telencephalon impar (i)Idiopathic cases 3. Abnormalites of migraton of neuroblasts (ii)‘Normal pressure hydrocephalus’ (i)Ectopias (ii)Pachygyria C. Primary-arboviruses (i)Tuberculosis (i)Transmited by mosquitoes: (ii)Syphilis Group A - Eastern equine encephalits; Western equine encephalits; Venezuelan equine encephalits (iii) Sarcoidosis Group B - St Louis encephalits; Murray Valley encephalits; Japanese encephalits (iv) Cryptococcus neoformans infecton (ii)Tick-borne encephalits: Russian spring-summer Central European 4. Secondary to Systemic infecton (which may be inapparent) (i)Histoplasmosis (i)Herpesvirus hominis (ii)Coccidioidomycosis (ii) Mumps (iii) Mucormycosis (iii) Varicella (iv) Torulosis (iv) Measles 5. Meningeal haemorrhage Predisposing factors (i)Extradural - haemorrhage between the skull and the dura resultng from trauma 1. Non-infarctve ischaemia resultng from gradual narrowing of small arteries and arterioles by e. Angiomas/vascular malformatons (i)Hyaline thickening of the media (hypertension/diabetes) f. Bleeding into a tumour (ii)Adventtal sclerosis (ii)Scatered punctate haemorrhages Efects a. Cerebral contusion (i)Formaton of lacunae - small cystc cavites 2-10 mm diameter b. Fat or air embolism (iii) Status cribrosus - 1-2 mm zones of degeneraton around small perforatng vessels of the basal ganglia d. Infectons - viral encephalits, septcaemia (iv) Binswanger’s subcortcal encephalopathy - focal demyelinaton of white mater due to selectve e. Cerebral infarcton Aetology Aetology (i)Occlusion or narrowing of cerebral, vertebral and internal carotd arteries by (i)Cardiac arrest a. Embolism (iv) Severe anaemia (ii)Arterits/thrombosis (v)Poisoning - carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, etc. Giant-cell arterits (iii) Small pyramidal cells of frontal and occipital cortex (iv) Amygdaloid nucleus Cellular changes (v)Brain stem (i)Ischaemic degeneraton of neurones (ii)Myelin pallor Cellular changes (iii) Destructon of myelin sheaths and axis cylinders (i)Neuronal degeneraton and disappearance (iv) Macrophage actvity - ingeston of myelin and red blood cells a. Loss of Nissl substance Macroscopic changes 422 423 (i)Sofening (ii)Liquefactve (colliquatve) necrosis (iii) Cyst formaton G. Defectve myelinaton due to an inherited defect (i)Metachromatc leucodystrophy (accumulaton of sulphatde) (ii)Krabbe’s disease (galactocerebroside) iii)Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (iv) Spongiform degeneraton of the white mater - Canavan disease 2. Acquired demyelinaton (i)Multple sclerosis Lesions (plaques) most commonly found in a. Hallervorden-Spatz disease (iron-containing pigment in the globus pallidus and substanta nigra) 3. Alzheimer’s disease (ii)Neuronal loss in frontal cortex gives rise to dementa and involuntary movements Features 5. Spinocerebellar degeneratons (i)Cerebral atrophy (i)Friedreich’s ataxia (ii)Neuronal loss (ii)Carcinomatous cerebellar degeneraton (iii) Senile plaques in grey mater (iii) Alcoholic cerebellar degeneraton (iv) Neurofbrillary degeneraton (‘tangles’) (iv) Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome 2. Loss of pigmented neurones from the substanta nigra, locus ceruleus, and motor nucleus of X d. Autonomic degeneraton with postural hypotension (Shy-Drager syndrome) (ii)Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - upper and lower motor neurones (ii)Postencephalitc (iii) Primary lateral sclerosis - upper motor neurones Features (iv) Bulbar palsy - localized a. Loss of pigmented neurones from the substanta nigra and occasionally from the locus ceruleus 7. Demyelinaton of posterior and, later, lateral columns associatedwith pernicious anaemia b. Gliosis (iii) Other conditons producing lesions in striato-nigral pathways (Parkinsonism) a. Cerebrovascular disease 426 427 (ii)Oligodendroglioma (iii) Ependymoma - develop from the lining of the ventricular system. Myxopapillary ependymoma arises from the flum terminate (iv) Polar spongioblastoma (very rare) 2. Meningioma Sites (i)Parasagital (ii)Spinal cord (iii) Sphenoidal ridge (iv) Olfactory groove Microscopic appearances (i)Transitonal psammomatous J. Wallerian degeneraton - demyelinaton and loss of the axon distal to the site of injury (v)Subacute combined degeneraton 2. Axonal degeneraton (dying back phenomenon) (i)Acute post-infectve polyneurits (Guillain-Barré) These types are seen to varying degrees in all the conditons listed below.

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Survey of standard psychological literature indicates that similar paterns bins with a populaton distributon that is approximately Gaussian generic 250mg tetracycline free shipping infection 6 weeks after hysterectomy. As the balls enter the bins order tetracycline 250 mg overnight delivery antibiotic resistance presentation, have been identfed in more conventonal experiments on percepton discount tetracycline 500 mg without a prescription virus x trip, cogniton order 500mg tetracycline amex bacteria on cell phones, and memory, progressive counts are accumulated photoelectrically, displayed as feedback for the operator, and suggestng that our anomalous serial positon efects are primarily psychological in origin, and may recorded on-line. Operators atempt to shif the mean of the developing distributons to the right subsume the rudimentary `decline, ‘ `primacy, ‘ `recency, ‘ and `terminal ‘ efects pro-pounded in or lef, relatve to a proximately generated baseline distributon. Prolifc operator achievements performed, the overall chance probability of the results compounded from more than 1000 tend to compound marginally but systematcally in cumulatve deviaton paterns characteristc of separate experimental series is less than one part in 10 12 (z > 7), with an overall average efect the partcular individuals and, in several cases, similar to those produced by the same operators size of the order of 10 4 bits deviaton/bit processed [7]. Again we fnd stark gender is the pre-stated intenton of the operators; secondary correlates include operator gender, serial disparites between the female and male performances, which lead to an asymmetry in the overall positon of the e ort, and two other subjectve factors to be discussed below: resonance and paterns of the diferental efects, virtually all of which is atributable to the female operators. Notably absent as correlates are physical distance, tme, and specifc Here too, the anomalous efects appear in comparable magnitude in remote and o -tme variants characteristcs of the target machines. The superior results achieved by the bonded co-operators also suggest the efcacy of this quality in the experimental environment. In an efort to explore this correlate more systematcally, we have implemented an adjacent experimental program to address the role of such subjectve resonance in the anomalous creaton of objectve informaton. While these experiments are stll ongoing, we now have in hand a substantal database of several hundred such applicatons, large enough to assure that the observed results are not atributable to statstcal artfact, and that much is to be learned by further systematc research. Although the importance of resonance as a complement to conscious intenton in stmulatng the anomalous efects seems well established, more detailed interpretaton of the data records in terms of the various possible statstcal indicators that might be applied to the directon and endurance of the anomalous excursions is not yet secure. Beyond that, the establishment of a database-management system that can efectvely index and correlate all of the subjectve and 182 183 objectve parameters that might conceivably bear on the form and magnitude of the anomalous “clairvoyance ), other than to note that our experimental eforts here have replicated the responses is a major enterprise in itself. All of these interpretve challenges notwithstanding, successful work of many others over recent decades [15,16,17,18], and that our partcular the vision of a technology, however subtle and complex, that could reliably sense the degree of contributon has been to develop and apply analytcal methods to quantfy the degree of extra- coherent purpose and productve chance informaton acquired using such experimental techniques. Brie y, the basic protocol of these experiments involves one partcipant, termed the “percipient “ who, without resort to any conventonal sensory means, atempts to perceive and describe a randomly selected geographical site at which a second partcipant, the “agent, “ is statoned at a given tme. Both partcipants then render their descriptons of the scene into free response transcripts, and subsequently into various descriptor specifcatons which then may be compared via an assortment of computerized scoring algorithms developed to quantfy the degree of informaton acquisiton [19]. The principle fndings of this extensive experimental and analytcal e ort have been the following: For the database of 653 formal experimental trials performed over several phases and modalites of the program, the cumulatve extra-chance informaton acquired reaches a statstcal Z-score −8 above 5. The experimental success is not notably dependent on any of the secondary protocol parameters tested, e. As with the human/machine experiments, the informaton yield also shows no statstcal dependence on the physical separaton of the percipient from the target, up to global distances, or on the tme interval between target visitaton by the agent and the percepton efort, up to several days, plus or minus. The amount of informaton acquired is strikingly ant-correlated with the degree of complexity of the analytcal formats imposed on the percipients and agents in formulatng their specifcatons of the target scenes [20]. It was the establishment of feature (iii) in these experiments that inspired the remote and of -tme The possible psychological implicatons of the intenton/resonance complementarity may also be studies in the human/machine porton of our program, which yielded similar results of statstcal pertnent to ongoing atempts to model the phenomena. In the laboratory experiments, intenton independence of the efects on intervening distance and tme. This in turn strengthened our primarily implies mentaton at a conscious level, although there are some indicatons even here suspicion that these two superfcially diferent genres of anomalous efect actually were drawing of unconscious processing, e. The dynamical relatonship between these two qualites of consciousness may be pertnent to the emergence of the anomalous (exo) physical efects, and therefore to the conceptualizaton of models to represent them. The generic concept emerging from these empirical Subjectve” [22], the challenge of which has been specifed in the following terms: and theoretcal consideratons is that while the emergence of consciousness-related anomalous “Any disciplined re-admission of subjectve elements into rigorous scientfc methodology will physical efects seems largely to be driven by a host of subjectve factors, our e orts to demon- hinge on the precision with which they can be defned, measured, and represented, and on the strate, record, and quantfy them necessarily entail the impositon of objectve criteria and resilience of established scientfc techniques to their inclusion. Unfortunately, the former appears to be obstructed by the later, and vice versa, science, while retaining the logical rigor, empirical/theoretcal dialogue, and cultural purpose of and we are lef with the challenge of fnding a way to straddle the subjectve/objectve dichotomy its rigidly objectve predecessor, would have the following requirements: acknowledgment of with some optmized compromise. In this case, our e orts to establish defensible and quanttatve a proactve role for human consciousness; more explicit and profound use of interdisciplinary remote percepton data by successive refnements of the analytcal techniques seem to have metaphors; more generous interpretatons of measurability, replicability, and resonance; a progressively sufocated emergence of the phenomenon. Whether this interference functons reducton of ontological aspiratons; and an overarching teleological causality. More importantly, primarily in the psyches of the human partcipants, or whether it is more endemic in the physical the subjectve and objectve aspects of this holistc science would have to stand in mutually character of the informaton itself, is unclear and possibly unresolvable. Notwithstanding, similar respectul and constructve complementarity to one another if the composite discipline were to indicatons have emerged from a number of our other experiments, collectvely suggestng that fulfll itself and its role in society. Comparable examples could be cited from less controversial each of which has been thoroughly described in a number of publicatons and presentatons. Here physical, technological, biological, and psychological venues wherein random processes also seem we can only sketch their essence. Such a counter-intuitve noise/signal dynamic, compounded with the other extraordinary characteristcs of the phenomena, further 6. Quite early in the program we were struck by a number of similarites between the historical 6 Models and conceptual evoluton of quantum science and the ongoing unfolding of the experience and representaton of consciousness-related physical anomalies. In both scenarios, classically As for any scientfc enterprise, consequental scholarly understanding of these curious phenomena respected conceptual and analytcal models of reality have been challenged by the advent of can advance only if the empirical results can enter into dialogue with astute theoretcal models. In each case extensive atempts to ratonalize the array of irregularites, contradictons, and departures from canonical, indeed from ratonal and anomalous data within prevailing formalisms have been categorically and profoundly unsuccess- even intuitve, precedents and expectatons that any classical modeling strategies are essentally ful, forcing postulaton and development of a number of counter-intuitve concepts. Simply reprising our foregoing text, we are faced with the originally posed in the atomic-scale physical domain may ofer potentally productve metaphorical following dauntng array of phenomenological characteristcs that any proposed model is obliged associatons with the mind/mater issue, as well. Among these one could list the quantzaton to accommodate: of energy and other physical observables; the wave/partcle duality and the wave mechanics of atomic structure; the uncertainty, complementarity, exclusion, and indistnguishability principles; Tiny informatonal increments riding on stochastc backgrounds; and the probabilistc character of quantum observatons. The propositon is that all of these Primary correlatons of objectve physical evidence with subjectve parameters, most notably might be regarded as impositons by the experiencing consciousness, rather than as intrinsic intenton, resonance, and uncertainty; characteristcs of the physical events, per se [21]. Data distributon structures consistent with slight alteratons in the elemental binary probabilites; In this spirit, the concepts and formalisms of elementary quantum mechanics have been appropriated via suitable metaphors to represent the characteristcs of consciousness interactng Statstcal independence of the magnitude of the efects on intervening distance and tme; with its environment. For example, if consciousness is represented by a quantum mechanical Complexly irregular replicability, including oscillatory sequental pat-terns of performance. To artculate this metaphor it is necessary to associate certain mathematcal aspects physical reality, and deterministc causaton is vastly generalized. The essental features of such of the formalism, such as the coordinate system, the quantum numbers, and even the metric unconventonal modeling approaches have been proposed in the context of a “Science of the itself, with various impressionistc descriptors of consciousness, such as its intensity, perspectve, 186 187 approach/avoidance attude, balance between cognitve and emotonal actvity, and “yin/yang “ The implicatons of this taxonomy for experimental design and interpretaton include subtler or passive/actve dispositon. But with these in hand, certain computatonal applicatons display feedback schemes that facilitate submission of conscious intenton to unconscious mental metaphoric relevance to individual and collectve experience and in partcular to our experimental processing; physical target systems that provide a richness of intangible potentalites; operators situatons. Specifcally, such traditonal quantum theoretc exercises as the central force feld and who are amenable to such interactons; and an environmental ambience that supports the atomic structure, covalent molecular bonds, barrier penetraton, and quantum statstcal collectve composite strategy. Requisites for theoretcal extension of the model include beter understanding behavior become useful analogies for representaton and correlaton of certain consciousness of the informaton fow between conscious and unconscious aspects of mind; more pragmatc experiences, both normal and anomalous, and for the design and interpretaton of experiments to formulatons of the relatons between tangible and intangible physical processes; and most study these systematcally. Several of our ongoing experiments have been designed behavior in potental wells; and the conditonal replicability features to the intrinsic statstcal specifcally to test these and other aspects of the predictons, but have not yet produced large uncertaintes of all quantum phenomena. Intangible as these associatons may be, they do allow enough databases to permit defnitve conclusions. This model proposes that the 5 the ttle of “A Modular Model of Mind/Mater Manifestatons ( M ) “ [1], and extended as “M*: common but very limited local interactons of our personal consciousness with its proximate 5 5 Vector Representaton of Subliminal Seed Regime of M ” [2]. These interactons are both ordered and restricted by the world , but have their origin in the depths of the unconscious mind and in an intangible interventon of an array of physiological, psychological, social, and cultural infuences, or “flters, “ which conditon our perceptons, and thereby our conscious experiences. Since most functon substrate of physical reality wherein the Cartesian distncton between mind and mater blurs on an unconscious level, however, we seldom invoke interpretatons of our experiences other and loses its functonal utlity. Both of these are misty domains of uncertainty and potentality, than those consistent with our fltered preconceptons. By bringing these infuences to a conscious where space and tme have yet to be defned, let alone distnguished, and where informaton level it becomes possible to re-tune the flters of consciousness and thus to alter the experiental waits to be born.

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In additon to inferences regarding the individual parameters, it is also ofen desirable  1  2  xi  2  x /σ −  1/σ to form joint inferences about the regression line that results from combining them. The hyperbolic ∑ 2  i i ∑ 2  i  i σ i   i σ i  confdence band that results from such calculatons is an envelope about the regression line such Κ1i = 2 2 Y = β + β x  1  x   x  that, with the stated likelihood, the actual model line 0 1 lies entrely within the i i ∑ ∑  − ∑   2  2   2  envelope. Establishing the confdence band requires calculaton of the model predicton variance  i σ i  i σ i   i σ i  (8) 2 σ [ ]Y Y = b0 + b1x where is the predicted value of the regression line at a given point x. The may be computed as 2 ˆ 2 σ [ ]Y = σ [b0 + b1x] 2 = σ [∑ k0i yi + ∑ kli yi x] These k coefcients have the additon propertes: k = 1, k x = 0, k = 0 k x = 1 2 ∑ 0i ∑ 0i i ∑ li ∑ li i = σ [∑(koi x + kli x)yi ] and , from which it follows that the expectaton values b0 ,b1 β0,β1 2 of are indeed the model parameters ; 2 = ∑(k0i + kli x) σ [yi ] 2 2 2 2 = ∑ (k0i + 2k0ikli x + kli x )σ i E[b0 ] = E[∑ k0i yi ] = E[∑ k0i (β0 + β1xi + ∈i )] (9) b0 b where the intermediate expansion is needed because, while the variances of and 1 are known, = β0 ∑ k0i + β1∑ k0i + β1∑ k0ixi + ∑ k0iE[∈i ] 2 ˆ σ [ ]Y they are not independent Given a formula for the locatons of the confdence band limits ˆ 2 ˆ Y ± 2F[1− α;n − 2]σ [ ]Y F[1−α;n − 2] = β , are where n is the number of data points and is the 1 - 0 α quantle of the F distributon for 2 and n — 2 degrees of freedom. An important concern of any linear regression model is whether it 260 261 leaves some non-random component of the data unaccounted for. The simplest way to test this is t mean value, and the i , are always symmetrically distributed about the mean value, the term by examinaton of the residuals afer the regression line predicton is subtracted from the data. A 2 3 ∑ xiti rescaling of the x axis values to x , x or any other suspected contributng term can then be vanishes identcally, so that performed, and the resultng data fted with a new regression line to be examined for signifcant slope. The absence of such a slope does not totally guarantee that the contributng term is not present, but only that the data are insufcient to resolve it if it is. The probability of a hit in one binary is , where m is i i i = = 4δxi the empirical trial mean, so that ni ni (12)  m − µ  is the expected proportonal shif in the populaton of the ith count value. Yˆ P = N side of (12) to compute the predicted proportonal shif i for each count value ∑ i Alternatvely may be regarded as the defniton of N. We then note that under the null P t t σ 2   i i i i Yˆ =  n x y x hypothesis , is random with expectaton and standard deviaton Since are the standard i ∑ j j j i µ    j  yi σ i = 1/ ti deviatons of for the regression analysis, follows. The mean shif m - of a given populaton is the total deviaton from the expected value, divided by the total populaton, that xi yi σ i Now let us consider the linear regression ft that is computed for , and as defned above. P x P x xi ∑ i i ∑ i i First, since the bin probabilites are symmetric about the theoretcal mean, and is by defniton m − µ = = 2 ∑ P N ∑ xi /σ i = ∑ xiti = 0 i (13) the deviaton from that mean,. This simplifes the formulas (5( for the regression coefcients to 2 ∑ti xi ∑ti yi Pi = yiti + ti xi From the defnitons above, however,. Since the are denned as deviatons from the b0 = 2 ∑ ∑ti ti xi 262 263 (17) 2 (∑ ni xi )(∑ ni xi yi ) = t t x y 2 ∑ ∑i i i i ∑ ni xi b1 = 2 ∑ ∑ti ti xi = ∑ ni xi yi ∑ Pi = ∑ti = N P = y t + t ∑ti yi = 0 Notng that and i i i i are both required, we conclude that ; yi ti this is in essence a constraint equaton on that follows from the fact that the are normalized 2 b ∑ti xi to the actual populaton. Since the number of binaries per trial is 2 from the binomial formula the trial 2µpq µ / 2 p = q = 0. Therefore the trial variance is just and b1 = ∑ti xi yi / N(µ / 2) = (2 / µ)∑ ni xi yi the regression line predicton for the ith bin is thus Yˆ = (2 / µ)( n x y )x i ∑ j j j i which is identcal to Eq. In other words, the regression line and the mean-shif predicton line are identcal, unless the set of counts is incomplete, so that count- ∑ Pi = ∑ti conservaton conditons such as are not perfectly obeyed. This later situaton actually arises in many cases, including those covered by this paper, whenever extreme count values, i. One can also show that the regression line preserves the mean shif, or, to paraphrase, that a hypothetcal data set, whose count populaton all fall exactly on the regression line obtained from an actual data set, has exactly the same mean shif as that data set. The various symmetries and conservaton 2 b0 = b1 = (∑ ni xi yi )/(∑ ni xi ) conditons coerce the regression parameters to. The output distributons of random binary events produced by a variety of microelectronic random and pseudorandom generators, as well as by a macroscopic random mechanical cascade, display small but replicable and statstcally signifcant mean shifs correlated with the remote operators’ pre-stated intentons, and feature cumulatve achievement paterns similar to those of the corresponding local experiments. Individual operator efect sizes distribute normally, with the majority of partcipants contributng to the overall efect. Paterns of specifc count populatons are also similar to those found in the corresponding local experiments. The insensitvity of the size and details of these results to intervening distance and tme adds credence to a large database of precognitve remote percepton experiments, and suggests that these two forms of anomaly may draw from similar mechanisms of informaton exchange between human consciousness and random physical processes. Both of these experimental programs were originally designed as replicatons and extensions of studies reported by other laboratories (Puthof & Targ, 1976; Puthof & Targ, 1977; Schmidt, 1970; Schmidt, 1973, Radin & Nelson, 1989), and both have produced results that confrm the ability of human consciousness to interact with the tangible world in ways that are inexplicable by known physical mechanisms (Dunne, Dobyns, & Intner, 1989; Dunne, Jahn, & Nelson, 1983; Dunne, Nelson, & Jahn, 1988; Jahn & Dunne, 1987; Jahn, Dunne, & Nelson, 1987; Nelson, Dunne, & Jahn, 1984; Nelson, Dunne, & Jahn, 1988a/1988b). Human operators, sitng within a few feet of the experimental apparatus, atempt to shif the mean of its output distributon of random binaries to higher or lower values, or to take a baseline, in accordance with pre-recorded intentons. The frst several years of such experimentaton consistently yielded statstcally signifcant correlatons between those intentons and the performance of the machines. In these remote experiments the operator was situated at some distant locaton, having arranged The remote percepton class of experiments requires partcipants to describe their impressions of in advance for members of the laboratory staf to initate the three runs of each session at regular unknown sites where another individual is, has been, or will be situated at a specifed tme. No staf member had knowledge of the operator’s intentons untl afer the runs were yielded highly signifcant statstcal evidence of extra-chance informaton acquisiton (z=6. At that tme, the operator communicated the sequence of the high, low, −10 and baseline intentons, usually by phone but occasionally by mail, before receiving any feedback 10 ), for percipients generatng descriptons of targets ranging from less than a mile to more about the outcome. In the majority of the precognitve eforts, the descriptons were recorded before the target was even selected. No signifcant Time reducton of the anomalous efect with increased distance or tme separaton was found over the This remote conditon was identcal to C, except that the operator performed his ranges tested. Of these, 106 series, or 318,000 trials, were The demonstrated space and tme insensitvity of the remote percepton results prompted produced by 2 operators under the remote conditons, 86 series in the C sub-protocol, and 20 in investgaton of whether the human/machine experiments might also be successfully conducted the D. A small database of 7 remote series was also generated by one operator on a shif register- by operators spatally and temporally remote from the apparatus. Accordingly, a protocol was based pseudorandom generator (Nelson, Dunne, & Jahn, 1984) under the C conditon. One operator also generated 10 remote D series under this protocol on the shif register-based pseudorandom device. Nine operators generated a total of 64 remote series on this cumulatng mean of each run. Data for each series were accumulated in three one-hour sessions, device, 61 in the C conditon and 3 in the D. In approximately 20% of these remote experiments (60 series, or 100,000 trials) the operator run, but sit in an adjacent room during its actual generaton. At the end of each run, the operator 268 269 eforts were at tmes other than those during which the machines were running, the temporal It should be noted that the higher z-scores of the local results are atributable to the size of that diferences ranging from several days before to several days afer the tme of machine operaton. For this reason it is important also to consider the efect sizes or, equivalently, the average mean shifs, in assessing the relatve yields of the various data sets. For example, while the z-scores for the high eforts are Results of comparable magnitude (3. In al formats, these results show strong evidence for anomalous correlaton between remote operator intenton and the performance of −4 three diferent random event generators for the high eforts, (z =3. The low and baseline eforts, in contrast, stay within chance in the majority of subsets. The striking asymmetry between high- and low-intenton yields clearly observable in the traces of Fig.

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