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Pen- ing of the shoulder when there is a posterior fossa etrating skull fractures can also be a portal of entry tumor, cervical spine disease, or whiplash injury. Pto- for bacteria and contribute to the occurrence of brain sis of the eyelid may accompany a cluster headache abscess. Blinking and squinting of the eyes excision and may frst be indicated by neurological indicate photophobia. Take Vital Signs and Obtain Growth Parameters History of Medications Take temperature, blood pressure, and pulse measure- Outdated tetracycline use can cause pseudotumor ments. Bra- cerebri (increased intracranial pressure without an dycardia and narrowing of pulse pressure are signs of intracranial mass or hydrocephalus), as can an exces- increased intracranial pressure. In children, if the sive intake of vitamin A and substances found in plotted height and weight chart is signifcantly below some topical acne preparations. Plot and overuse of over-the-counter analgesics can cause head circumference to assess for normal skull growth. Macrocephaly may indicate hydrocephalus or brain Withdrawal from certain substances, such as caffeine tumor. Hemoglobin values less than 10 g/dL over nodular temporal arteries is a sign of temporal may cause headache as a result of hypoxia. Auscultate the Cranium Assess occupational exposure to other toxins through Intracranial arteriovenous malformations may mimic an occupational history. Auscultate the orbit and skull to evaluate for heater may cause headaches that occur during winter cranial bruits. Observe the Patient Ipsilateral lacrimation, ptosis, and pupillary con- Assess level of alertness and orientation to person, striction are seen with cluster headache. A half-feld defect is seen with Rhinorrhea and congestion are seen with sinus head- parietal lobe tumor. Observe teeth and oral mucosa because upper cause an enlargement of the pupil from compres- molar disease and poor dentition can cause headache. The di- Tapping on the teeth or biting down on a tongue blade lated pupil is always on the side of the expanding can elicit pain from sinusitis. See eyes in a lateral direction) may be found with acute Chapter 15 for a discussion of examination techniques. Nystagmus sug- Enlarged pupils seen during a headache indicate gests a brainstem or cerebellar lesion and is usually migraine; however, if they outlast a headache, then ipsilateral. Vertical and Upper motor neuron facial weakness may be pre- rotatory nystagmus suggests central posterior fossa sent in hemiplegic migraine. Trigeminal neuralgia pain can be On ophthalmoscopic examination, note contour of the triggered by stimulation of the affected nerve. Test taste on the anterior two Papilledema is often caused by an expanding intra- thirds of the tongue for sweet and salt discrimination. Retinal deafness should be investigated to rule out acoustic hemorrhage in children may indicate abuse. The sense of smell resis that can be assessed by observing the protruded may be lost when the olfactory nerve is damaged by tongue drift laterally or by the inability to hold position head injury or by a tumor in the vicinity of the olfac- against resistance. Herpes simplex encephalitis can lead to a destruction of the olfactory cortex or olfactory Examine the Neck nerve. Rarely does of the neck to observe for stiffness or diffculty with poor vision contribute to a headache. Poor vision movement, which may indicate muscle tension or men- may contribute to eye pain, but children equate this ingismus. Headaches as a result of pituitary tumors are usually Test for Meningismus associated with defects in the peripheral vision. Uni- Normally the chin can be fexed passively to touch the lateral or homonymous hemianopsia (a loss of the chest. If neck stiffness (nuchal rigidity) is present, this same half of the visual feld of both eyes) can occur maneuver is not possible. With the patient supine, with migraines or brain tumor headaches when the attempts to fex the neck cause involuntary hip fexion, tumor is in the occipital lobes or adjacent to the and the hips rise (Brudzinski sign). Assess Motor Strength and Coordination Blood Cultures of Extremities Blood cultures should be drawn in a patient who has a Asymmetrical increase in muscle tone on the affected fever, headache, nuchal rigidity, and altered mental side, contralateral to the hemisphere lesion, suggests a status. The gait is also wide-based and Magnetic Resonance Imaging halting, and the patient turns with jerky movements. It is the frst imaging choice for hops on either foot or stands tandem (one foot behind a brain abscess. Increase in, or asymmetry of, refexes is seen mal values of components that are altered by disease with cerebral lesions. The plantar or Babinski response such as lymphocytes, glucose, protein, and presence is often present with cerebral lesions. The need Skull Radiograph to lie down is also associated with migraine head- A radiograph of the skull is useful in posttraumatic ache. Even very observe intracranial structures such as the pituitary young children (age 4) are able to draw stick fgures gland or paranasal sinuses. In bacterial nism of tension headache is uncertain but is related to 230 Chapter 19 • Headache sustained muscle contraction. Tension headache pro- cycles of days or weeks with remission lasting months duces a bilateral pain, general or localized, often de- to years. Associated symptoms include ipsilateral rhinor- scribed as a frontotemporal band-like distribution. The rhea, conjunctival injections, facial sweating, ptosis, and discomfort is described as a mild to moderate, non- eyelid edema. Alcohol ingestion, stress, or vasodilation throbbing pain, tightness, or pressure with a gradual secondary to wind or heat exposure may precipitate onset. Benign Exertional Headache These headaches occur suddenly and are related Migraine Without Aura (Common) to coughing, sneezing, straining, running, or orgasm. About 20% of adults experience migraines, and epi- Headache is the result of stretching the pain-sensitive sodes are not uncommon in children as young as structures in the posterior fossa. The onset is sudden and “splitting,” and and most often accompanied by nausea, photophobia, pain may last from seconds up to 30 minutes.


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That is discount confido 60 caps on-line prostate issues, when cross bridges are in the strong binding or rigor linkages buy cheap confido 60 caps online prostate cancer 20, they form “chevrons” (or arrows) pointing toward the Z-line on that side of the M-line purchase confido 60 caps otc prostate cancer incontinence. The two myosin heads that stick out from an intertwined pair of myosin molecules seem to work through a hand-over-hand action such that the myosin dimer never 11 fully releases the thin filament during the activation period confido 60caps amex man health style. Myosin-binding protein C appears to traverse the myosin molecules in the A-band, thereby potentially tethering the myosin molecules and stabilizing the myosin head with respect to the thick and thin filaments. Defects in myosin, myosin-binding protein C, and several other myofilament proteins are genetically 13 linked to familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The dynamics and regulation of Ca transients in cardiac myocytes are discussed in the following section, but a major physiologic mechanism for regulating cardiac contractility (e. The higher the [Cai ] , thei 2+ more fully saturated are the Ca binding sites on troponin C, and consequently, more sites are available for cross bridges to form. When more cross bridges are working in parallel, the myocyte (and heart) can develop greater force. There is high cooperativity in this process, in large part because of the “nearest- 2+ neighbor” effect mentioned earlier. That is, Ca bound to a single troponin C molecule encourages local 2+ cross-bridge formation, and both Ca binding and cross-bridge formation directly enhance the likelihood of cross-bridge formation in the seven actin molecules controlled by one tropomyosin molecule. Furthermore, the openness of that domain directly enhances that of the neighboring domain with respect to 2+ 2+ both Ca binding and cross-bridge formation. This cooperativity means that a small change in [Ca ] cani have a great effect on the strength of contraction. As [Ca] rises during systole, force develops as dictated by the sigmoidal myofilamenti i 2+ 4 Ca sensitivity curve (solid curve; Force = 100/(1+ [600 nm]/[Ca] ) ). Length-Dependent Activation and the Frank-Starling Effect 2+ Besides [Ca ] , the other major factor influencing the strength of contraction is i sarcomere length at the end of diastole (preload), just before the onset of systole. Both Otto Frank and Ernest Starling observed that the more the diastolic filling of the heart, the greater the strength of the heartbeat. The increased heart volume translates into increased sarcomere length, which acts by a length-sensing mechanism. A part of this Frank-Starling effect has historically been ascribed to increasingly optimal overlap between the 2+ actin and myosin filaments. Clearly, however, there is also a substantial increase in myofilament Ca 1 sensitivity with an increase in sarcomere length (Fig. A plausible mechanism for this regulatory change may reside in the decreasing interfilament spacing as heart muscle is stretched. That is, the myocyte is at constant volume (over the cardiac cycle), so as the cell shortens, it must thicken, and conversely, when it is stretched, the cell becomes thinner and filament spacing becomes narrower. This attractive lattice-dependent explanation for the Frank-Starling relationship has been challenged by careful 4 x-ray diffraction studies, which found that reducing sarcomere lattice spacing by osmotic compression 2+ failed to influence myofilament Ca sensitivity. Although several mechanisms could contribute to 2+ myofilament Ca sensitization at longer sarcomere length, the issue is unresolved. When changes in diastolic length (or preload) are the cause of altered contractile strength, it is said to be a Frank-Starling (or Starling) effect. Conditions in which contraction is strengthened independent of 2+ sarcomere length (e. The distinction between these heterometric (Starling) and homeometric (inotropic) mechanisms of altered cardiac strength is functionally and therapeutically important. Cross-Bridge Cycling Differs From Cardiac Contraction-Relaxation Cycle The cardiac cycle of Wiggers (see later) must be distinguished from the cross-bridge cycle. The cardiac cycle reflects the overall changes in pressure in the left ventricle, whereas the cross-bridge cycle is the repetitive interaction between myosin heads and actin. During isovolumic contraction (before aortic valve opening), the sarcomeres do not shorten appreciably, but cross bridges are developing force, although not all simultaneously. That is, at any given moment, some myosin heads will be flexing or flexed (resulting in force generation), some will be extending or extended, and some will be attached weakly to actin and some detached from actin. Numerous such cross-bridge cycles, each lasting microseconds, are integrated to produce the resulting force (and pressure). When ventricular pressure (sum of cross-bridge forces) reaches aortic pressure (afterload), ejection begins and is associated with the cross bridges actively moving the thin actin filaments toward the central of the sarcomere (M-line), thereby shortening the 2+ sarcomere. Note that as ejection proceeds (and sarcomeres shorten), myofilament Ca sensitivity 2+ declines (see Fig. Thus, both [Ca ] decline and shortening cause a progressive decline in thei 2+ contractile state as systole gives way to diastole. Both the Ca transient properties and the myofilament 2+ Ca sensitivity and cross-bridge cycling rate are altered under physiologic conditions, such as sympathetic stimulation and local acidosis or ischemia, as discussed later. Force Transmission Volume and pressure overload may have different effects on myocardial growth because of different 4 patterns of force transmission. Genetic-based hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathies not only produce hearts that look and behave very differently but also have diverse molecular causes. One hypothesis is that mutations that increase myofilament calcium sensitivity, contractility, and energy demand result in 14 concentric hypertrophy, whereas mutations that reduce myofilament calcium sensitivity or force generation or that result in non–force-generating cytoskeletal proteins (e. Although useful, such broad distinction between the two types of cardiomyopathy is oversimplified, with several examples of overlapping mechanisms. Calcium Ion Fluxes in Cardiac Contraction-Relaxation Cycle Calcium M ovem ents and Excitation-Contraction Coupling 2+ 2+ Ca is a central regulator of cardiac contraction and relaxation. Details of the associated Ca fluxes that link contraction to the wave of excitation (excitation-contraction coupling) are now reasonably well 1,2 2+ 2+ clarified and accepted. The combined Ca release and influx elevates [Ca ] and promotes binding ofi 2+ Ca to troponin C and thus contractile activation. On the large cytosolic side, these include proteins that can stabilize RyR gating (e. The actual RyR channel is made up of a symmetric tetramer of RyR molecules, each of which may have the aforementioned regulatory proteins 17 associated with it. The Ca 2+ 2+ released from these first openings recruit additional RyRs in the junction through Ca -induced Ca 2+ 2+ release to amplify release of Ca into the junctional space. The Ca diffuses out of this space throughout the sarcomere to activate contraction. That is, binding of Ca to CaM that is prebound to RyR2 favors closure of 18 RyR channels and inhibits reopening (Fig. The rising cytosolic Ca 2+ 2+ concentration in systole activates the Ca regulatory system whereby Ca -CaM causes inactivation of 2+ 2+ L-type Ca current and RyR release. Indeed, more than 90% of the CaM in myocytes is already bound to cellular targets before 2+ Ca binds to and activates it. Under normal resting conditions, these Ca sparks have a low probability (approximately −4 2+ 10 ), which means that at any moment there might be one or two Ca sparks per myocyte. Because local 2+ 2+ 2+ [Ca ] declines rapidly as Cai diffuses away from the initiating cleft, the resulting local [Ca ] at thei 2+ next cleft (1 to 2 µm away) is normally too low to trigger that neighboring site. Because Ca removal is slower than Ca influx and release, a characteristic rise and fall 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ in [Ca ] called the Cai transient, takes place. As [Ca ] falls, Cai dissociates from troponin C, which progressively switches off the myofilaments.

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During systole (dotted vertical lines) buy 60 caps confido visa prostate cancer signs, arterial inflow declines as venous outflow peaks cheap confido 60caps visa prostate joint pain, reflecting the compression of microcirculatory vessels during systole order confido 60 caps overnight delivery prostate xesteliyi. After adenosine administration confido 60 caps with mastercard thyroid hormone androgen receptor, the phasic variations in venous outflow are more pronounced. The ability to increase oxygen extraction as a means to increase oxygen delivery is limited to circumstances associated with sympathetic activation and acute subendocardial ischemia. Nevertheless, coronary venous oxygen tension (PvO2) can only decrease from 25 mm Hg to approximately 15 mm Hg. Because of the high resting oxygen extraction, increases in myocardial oxygen consumption are primarily met by proportional increases in coronary flow and oxygen delivery (Fig. In addition to coronary flow, oxygen delivery is directly determined by arterial oxygen content (CaO2). This is equal to the product of hemoglobin concentration and arterial oxygen saturation plus a small amount of oxygen dissolved in plasma that is directly related to arterial oxygen tension (PaO2). Thus, for any given flow level, anemia results in proportional reductions in oxygen delivery, whereas hypoxia, due to the nonlinear oxygen dissociation curve, results in relatively small reductions in oxygen content until PaO2 falls to the steep portion of the oxygen dissociation curve (below 50 mm Hg). B, High basal levels of myocardial oxygen extraction allow only modest (approximately 15%) further increases in oxygen extraction during exercise. A twofold increase in any of these individual determinants of oxygen consumption requires an approximately 50% increase in coronary flow. Experimentally, the systolic pressure volume area is proportional to myocardial work and linearly related to myocardial oxygen consumption. The basal myocardial oxygen requirements needed to maintain critical membrane function are low (approximately 15% of resting oxygen consumption), and the cost of electrical activation is trivial when mechanical contraction ceases during diastolic arrest (as with cardioplegia) and diminishes during ischemia. Coronary Autoregulation Regional coronary blood flow remains constant as coronary artery pressure is reduced below aortic pressure over a wide range when the determinants of myocardial oxygen consumption are kept constant. When pressure falls to the lower limit of autoregulation, coronary resistance arteries are maximally vasodilated to intrinsic stimuli, and flow becomes pressure-dependent, resulting in the onset of subendocardial ischemia. The ability to increase flow above resting values in response to pharmacologic vasodilation is termed coronary flow reserve. Flow in the maximally vasodilated heart is dependent on coronary arterial pressure. Maximum perfusion and coronary flow reserve are reduced when the diastolic time available for subendocardial perfusion is decreased (tachycardia) or the compressive determinants of diastolic perfusion (preload) are increased. Coronary reserve also is diminished by anything that increases resting flow, including increases in the hemodynamic determinants of oxygen consumption (systolic pressure, heart rate, and contractility) and reductions in arterial oxygen supply (anemia and hypoxia). Thus, circumstances can develop that precipitate subendocardial ischemia in the presence of normal coronary arteries (see Classic References, Hoffman and Spaan). Although initial studies suggested that the lower pressure limit of autoregulation is 70 mm Hg, it was later shown that coronary flow can be autoregulated to mean coronary pressures as low as 40 mm Hg (diastolic pressures of 30 mm Hg) in conscious dogs in the basal state (Fig. These coronary pressure levels are similar to those recorded in humans without symptoms of ischemia, distal to chronic coronary occlusions, using pressure wire micromanometers. The lower autoregulatory pressure limit increases during tachycardia because of an increase in flow requirements, as well as a reduction in the time available for perfusion. Left, The normal heart maintains coronary blood flow constant as regional coronary pressure is varied over a wide range when the global determinants of oxygen consumption are kept constant (red lines). Below the lower autoregulatory pressure limit (approximately 40 mm Hg), subendocardial vessels are maximally vasodilated and myocardial ischemia develops. During vasodilation (blue lines), flow increases four to five times above resting values at a normal arterial pressure. Right, After stress, tachycardia increases the compressive determinants of coronary resistance by decreasing the time available for diastolic perfusion and thus reduces maximum vasodilated flow. In addition, increases in myocardial oxygen demand or reductions in arterial oxygen content (e. These changes reduce coronary flow reserve, the ratio between dilated and resting coronary flow, and cause ischemia to develop at higher coronary pressures. This is the result of increased resting flow and oxygen consumption in the subendocardium and an increased sensitivity to systolic compressive effects, because subendocardial flow only occurs during diastole. Subendocardial vessels become maximally vasodilated before those in the subepicardium as coronary artery pressure is reduced. These transmural differences can be increased further during tachycardia or during conditions with elevated preload, which reduce maximum subendocardial perfusion. Coronary pressure-function and steady-state pressure-flow relations during autoregulation in the unanesthetized dog. Subendocardial flow occurs primarily in diastole and begins to decrease below a mean coronary pressure of 40 mm Hg. In contrast, subepicardial flow occurs throughout the cardiac cycle and is maintained until coronary pressure falls below 25 mm Hg. This difference arises from increased oxygen consumption in the subendocardium, requiring a higher resting flow level, as well as the more pronounced effects of systolic contraction on subendocardial vasodilator reserve. The transmural difference in the lower autoregulatory pressure limit results in vulnerability of the subendocardium to ischemia in the presence of a coronary stenosis. Although there is no pharmacologically recruitable flow reserve during ischemia in the normal coronary circulation, reductions in coronary flow below the lower limit of autoregulation can occur in the presence of pharmacologically recruitable coronary flow reserve under certain circumstances, e. Determinants of Coronary Vascular Resistance The resistance to coronary blood flow can be divided into three major components (Fig. Under normal circumstances, there is no measurable pressure drop in the epicardial arteries, indicating negligible conduit resistance (R ). With the development of1 hemodynamically significant epicardial artery narrowing (>50% diameter reduction), the fixed conduit artery resistance begins to contribute an increasing component to total coronary resistance and, when severely narrowed (>90%), may reduce resting flow. R is epicardial conduit artery resistance, which normally is insignificant; R is resistance1 2 secondary to metabolic and autoregulatory adjustments in flow and occurs in arterioles and small arteries; and R is the time-varying compressive resistance that is higher in subendocardial than subepicardial3 layers. The development of a proximal stenosis or pharmacologic vasodilation reduces arteriolar resistance (R ). This is distributed throughout the myocardium across a broad range of microcirculatory resistance vessel sizes (20 to 400 µm in diameter) and changes in response to physical forces (intraluminal pressure and shear stress), as well as the metabolic needs of the tissue. Normally, little resistance is contributed by coronary venules and capillaries, and their resistance remains fairly constant during changes in vasomotor tone. Even in the maximally vasodilated heart, 3 capillary resistance accounts for no more than 20% of the microvascular resistance. Thus a twofold increase in capillary density would increase maximal myocardial perfusion by only approximately 10%. Minimal coronary vascular resistance of the microcirculation is primarily determined by the size and density of arterial resistance vessels and results in substantial coronary flow reserve in the normal heart. The third component, extravascular compressive resistance (R ), varies with time throughout the cardiac3 cycle and is related to cardiac contraction and systolic pressure development within the left ventricle. In heart failure, compressive effects from elevated ventricular diastolic pressure also impede perfusion by passive compression of microcirculatory vessels from elevated extravascular tissue pressure during diastole. Increases in preload effectively raise the normal backpressure to coronary flow above coronary venous pressure levels. The increased effective backpressure during systole produces a time-varying reduction in the driving pressure for coronary flow that impedes perfusion to the subendocardium. Although this paradigm can explain variations in systolic coronary inflow, it is not able to account for the increase in coronary venous systolic outflow.


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