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Physical Examination The physical exam seldom provides accurate determination of the source of the bleeding discount dostinex 0.5mg amex menopause quizlet. However cheap dostinex 0.5mg with amex menstruation unclean bible, the severity of the blood loss and identification of comorbid illnesses can be assessed generic 0.25mg dostinex mastercard breast cancer uggs boots, and the physical exam should be performed carefully buy 0.25mg dostinex amex menstrual 2 days late spotting, although the results often are normal. The mouth and the oropharynx should be examined to exclude nasopharyngeal causes of hematemesis. Pertinent physical findings should be sought that are indicative of comorbid disease, including signs of chronic hepatic disease, including ascites or spider angiomata. An abdominal examination should be done, as it will reveal the pres- ence of a mass caused by a colonic neoplasm or the presence of an aortic aneurysm. A rectal exam should be performed for evidence of frank blood or possibly a tumor mass. Hemocult exam of any melenic-appearing stool should be done, since the ingestion of several substances, such as iron or spinach, can impart a dark color to the stool. Relevant information from this patient’s history and physical include the following: There is no history of hematemesis, but the patient reports a similar episode of rectal bleed- ing 2 months prior for which he did not seek medical advice. His review of systems was negative for cardiac, pulmonary, or renal symptomatology, and he denies any sur- gical history. Determine the Bleeding Site If hematemesis, melena, or hematochezia have not been documented, it is important to establish the site of bleeding. Even if the patient has massive rectal bleeding, 10% of the time the source is proximal to the ligament of Treitz. However, about 25% of the patients with duodenal bleeding do not reflux blood into the stomach even with gagging. Over 90% of patients with bloody gastric aspirate will be found to have a lesion proximal to the ligament of Treitz. Because of the diagnostic and therapeutic potential for endoscopy, it should be included early in the management of these patients, since its utility and accuracy in iden- tifying the bleeding source have been well documented in the litera- ture. In skilled hands, endoscopic maneuvers, such as injection sclerotherapy, banding of varices, electrocoagulation, the use of a heater probe, the injection of ethanol or epinephrine, and laser coagu- lation, effectively can manage the bleeding source. Addi- tionally, patients at high risk for complications secondary to bleeding should be considered as candidates for therapeutic endoscopy; these would include patients over 60 years of age or those who rebleed fol- lowing an initial bleeding episode. The panel eval- uated a variety of devices used for endoscopic intervention (Table 20. Of these, the heater probe and bipolar electrocoagulation device were determined to be the most useful. The panel concluded that endoscopic intervention was safe and effective when performed by appropriately trained practitioners. At the time that the panel convened, long-term follow-up was not available, leaving many questions regarding the long-term efficacy for endoscopic control of bleeding. Entero- clysis, which is the direct introduction of barium sulfate into the small 20. Gastrointestinal Bleeding 363 Hematemesis Acute colonic bleeding Assess severity Assess severity of bleeding of bleeding? No Yes No Continue Continue D(x) allow observation symptomatic pharmacologic and and or supportive supportive radiologic care treatment intervention? Magnitude of bleeding Hemodynamic instability Bloody emesis or nasogastric lavage that fails to clear Blood-red stools Host factors Anticoagulated patient Patient hospitalized for a related or unrelated condition Endoscopic features Visible vessel Arterial spurting or oozing Raised pigmented discoloration on ulcer base Adherent clot on ulcer base Source: Reprinted from Consensus conference: therapeutic endoscopy and bleeding ulcers. However, the absence of a lesion on this test does not rule out a bleeding source in this area. Tagged red cell scans may confirm the presence of active bleeding, but these are not helpful in determining the exact anatomic location of the bleeding site. This important information is extremely helpful if the bleeding episode necessitates surgical intervention. For arteriography to be suc- cessful in identifying the location of the hemorrhage, the bleeding must be brisk (>1mL/min). If a lesion such as an arteriovenous malforma- tion is identified, however, arteriography does offer the potential of therapeutic intervention through embolization. What are the options for a patient who has persistent or recurrent bleeding that is believed to originate in the small bowel? Gastrointestinal Bleeding 365 distal jejunal enterotomy, and the small bowel mucosae then may be examined. Peptic Ulcer Disease: Bleeding from peptic ulcer disease frequently occurs and generally is a self-limited process. Patients usually present with melena, or, if the bleeding is severe enough, hematemesis or hematochezia are present. The treatment team must be prepared to manage severe life-threatening hemorrhage that may occur with little notice. Therapeutic intervention with endoscopic treatment may be indi- cated in patients with active arterial bleeding at the time of endoscopy or with a visible nonhemorrhaging vessel. The success of endoscopic therapy in controlling peptic ulcer bleeding greatly has reduced the need for surgical intervention. However, surgery must be considered when endoscopic treatment has failed or is impractical. In general, when patients have required more than six units of blood to be trans- fused in a 24-hour period, they should be considered for surgery. An additional indication for surgery exists if a patient stops bleeding clin- ically and then massively rebleeds. When surgery is performed, the procedure of choice is oversewing of the bleeding ulcer plus truncal vagotomy and pyloroplasty, truncal vagotomy and antrectomy, or highly selective vagotomy. Stress Ulcers: Stress ulcers are small, numerous lesions occurring in the superficial mucosa of the gastric fundus. Like most gastric ulcers, the major defect appears to be in the mucosal defense system. Because these lesions are a manifestation of other underlying disease processes, the mortality associated with a total gastrectomy for stress gastritis is 50% to 80%. Gastric Ulcers: Bleeding gastric ulcers that are discrete should be resected, which easily can be accomplished for greater curvature lesions by performing a wedge resection. Because gastric ulcers cannot be distinguished from gastric carcinoma by gross examination, histo- logic evaluation is mandated. Corbett tomy should be performed: total gastrectomy for proximal lesions and subtotal for antral lesions. Mallory-Weiss Tear: Mallory-Weiss tears of the esophagus and proxi- mal stomach can occur following emesis. Classically associated with alcoholics, the syndrome is manifested by hematemesis that follows episodes of intense vomiting. The diagnosis is suggested by a history of vomiting before the onset of hematemesis. Endoscopy reveals linear tears below the gastro- esophageal junction, occasionally extending proximally into the esoph- agus. Acute Variceal Bleeding: Initial mangement of the patient with acute variceal bleeding includes resuscitation as outlined above. However, intravascular volume replacement should be performed largely with blood products because the crystalloid solutions in patients with cir- rhosis results in the rapid development of ascites and edema.

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It is we who change, as we learn to blood vessels recognise what was formerly imperceptible. It is impossible to remedy a severe malady unless Leçons cliniques sur les maladies des vieillards et les maldies by a remedy likewise severe. Chesterton – First in line to British throne British writer I believe it is most certainly possible to design Psychoanalysis is confession without absolution. The spirit needs healing as well It seems a pity that psychology should have as the body. Attributed Attributed Is the whole of the health care system—and the Sir Watson Cheyne – confidence of the public in it—not undermined by Surgeon, Professor of Surgery, King’s College, London, the publicity given to what goes wrong rather scientist and assistant to Joseph Lister than the tiny miracles wrought day in day out by an expert, kind and dedicated staff? It Speech to newspaper editors and proprietors in Fleet Street, is not a thing which should be meddled with by  March () people who do not know it as intimately as it is possible to know it. Guy de Chauliac – Quoted with reference to a quack bone setter in Harley Street p. Michael Joseph, London French surgeon () The conditions necessary for the surgeon are four: first, he should be learned: second, he should be Chinese proverbs expert: third, he must be ingenious, and fourth, he should be able to adapt himself. Before thirty, men seek disease; after thirty, Ars Chururgic Introduction diseases seek men. A blind man works on wood the same way as a Before you tell the ‘truth’ to the patient, be sure surgeon on the body, when he is ignorant of you know the ‘truth’ and that the patient wants to anatomy. He that takes medicine and neglects to diet himself Anton Chekhov – wastes the skill of the physician. Russian dramatist and doctor However strong a mother may be, she becomes When a lot of remedies are suggested for a disease, afraid when she is pregnant for the third time. Ivanov  It is easy to get a thousand prescriptions, but hard I realise I have two professions, not one. When I grow weary of one, I pass the night with Medicine cures the man who is fated not to die. Letter,  October () No man is a good doctor who has never been sick himself. Chen Jen Only the healing art enables one to make a name Chinese sage for himself and at the same time give benefit to When you treat a disease, first treat the mind. The appearance of a disease is swift as an arrow; Earl of Chesterfield – its disappearance slow, like a thread. Advice is seldom welcome; and those that want it The patient has two sleeves, one containing a the most always like it the least. Continued   ·   Chinese proverbs continued Charles Churchill – The unlucky doctor treats the head of a disease; English satirical poet the lucky doctor its tail. Most of those evils we poor mortals know To be uncertain is to be uncomfortable, but to be From doctors and imagination flow. Dreams, Children of night, of indigestion bred, Which, Reason clouded, seize and turn the head. Sir Winston Churchill – Attributed British statesman I must point out that my rule of life prescribes as an absolutely sacred rite smoking cigars and also W. Parturition is a physiological process—the same in Uttered during a lunch with the Arab leader, Ibn Saud the countess and in the cow. There is no finer investment for any community Quoted in Familiar Medical Quotations Maurice B. Little, Brown and Company, Boston () Radio broadcast,  March () I can think of no better step to signalize the A. Christie – inauguration of the National Health Service than British infectious disease physician that a person who so obviously needs psychiatric attention should be among the first of its patients. Man is a creature composed of countless millions Speech, July () about Labour’s Health Secretary of cells: a microbe is composed of only one, yet Aneurin Bevan throughout the ages the two have been in ceaseless conflict. Science bestowed immense new powers on man, Infectious Disease, Epidemiology and Clinical Practice p. The and, at the same time, created conditions which Epidemiologist and the Clinician (th edn) () were largely beyond his comprehension and still more beyond his control. The history of epidemics is the history of wars Speech at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and wanderings, of famine and drought and of  March () man’s exposure to inhospitable surroundings. When man has travelled rough, microorganisms Scientists should be on tap, but not on top. Falconer) Maxims (–) No one is so old as to think he cannot live one more year. Chinese sage Pro Caelio  To avoid sickness eat less; to prolong life worry One should eat to live, not live to eat. The medical errors of one century constitute the Annals of Ireland (relating the effects of the Black Death in popular faith of the next. I would rather that any white rabbit on earth Attributed should have Asiatic cholera twice than that I Symptoms which cannot be readily marshalled should have it just once. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London Forrester Cockburn – The young gastroenterologist of today is only Professor Child Health, Glasgow, Scotland happy if he can learn another endoscopic The origins of physical and mental health and technique, the excitement of the ’s has been disease lie predominantly in the early development replaced by the decade of the Peeping Tom. Lancet :  () Preface to Children’s Medicine and Surgery () Sir Stanley Clayton ? British obstetrician Jean Baptiste Coffinhal-Dubail Until the end of the last century, and indeed, until ? Comment at trial of Antoine Lavoisier, Paris () Obstetrics by Ten Teachers (th edn, p. Henry, Lord Cohen of Birkenhead Attributed – Men are not going to embrace eugenics. They are British physician going to embrace the first likely, trim-figured girl with limpid eyes and flashing teeth who comes All diagnoses are provisional formulae for action. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England : Attributed  ()  . Charles Caleb Colton – Miscellanies, Aesthetic and Literary English clergyman, sportsman, author, and suicide Oh sleep! The poorest man would not part with health for Table Talk  July () money, but the richest would gladly part with all their money for health. Alex Comfort – Epilogue to The Plague of the Spanish Lady (influenza English physician and sexologist epidemic October –January ) The idea of the human responsibility of the doctor has been present since medicine was John Churton Collins – indistinguishable from magic. Collins) Positivism To understand a science it is necessary to know its Mortimer Collins – history. British writer Positive Philosophy (–) A man is as old as he’s feeling, A woman as old as she looks.

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Langenfeld Cases Case 1 A 57-year-old man presents to the emergency room with the complaint of hemoptysis buy dostinex 0.5mg line women's health evergreen. Case 2 A 62-year-old man is referred to you because a routine chest x-ray demonstrated a 1 0.25 mg dostinex with visa menstrual not flowing. Hemoptysis Hemoptysis most often is caused by bronchogenic carcinomas and inflammatory diseases of the lung dostinex 0.5mg women's health clinic view royal. Hemoptysis also can be caused by interstitial lung disease generic dostinex 0.25 mg amex pregnancy recipes, pulmonary embolism, cardiac disease, coagulopathy, trauma, and iatrogenic causes. The most commonly associated cardiac disease to cause hemoptysis is mitral stenosis. The Swan-Ganz catheter is the most common iatrogenic cause of massive hemoptysis in the hospital. Immediate Evaluation The assessment of stability is the most important determination in the initial evaluation of a patient who presents with hemoptysis. Massive hemoptysis generally is defined as more than 250mL of expectorated blood within 24 hours and is associated with higher mortality rates. Patients rarely exsanguinate from hemoptysis, but rather they asphyx- iate from aspirated blood. Aspiration of even a small amount of blood into the airways can lead to asphyxiation. Bronchogenic carcinoma Iatrogenic Inflammatory diseases Swan-Ganz catheter Tuberculosis Bronchoscopy Aspergillosis Pulmonary embolism Cystic fibrosis Arteriovenous fistula (rare) Lung abscess Chest trauma Pneumonia Pulmonary contusion Bronchiectasis Gunshot wound Bronchitis Stab wound Cardiovascular Transected bronchus Mitral stenosis Miscellaneous Congestive heart failure Coagulopathy Congenital heart disease Epistaxis Interstitial lung disease Broncholithiasis Goodpasture’s syndrome Wegener’s granulomatosis 13. Hemoptysis, Cough, and Pulmonary Lesions 235 The initial immediate assessment should determine quickly whether the patient has life-threatening hemoptysis. Patients should be con- sidered to have potentially life-threatening hemoptysis if they have an altered mental status, diminished blood pressure, rapid or slow pulse, or labored breathing; give a history of aspiration or massive hemoptysis; or have a room air O2 saturation below 90%. Fortunately, most patients do not present with massive hemoptysis or with evidence of aspiration of blood. Most patients can be worked up on a more elective basis, but they should be admitted to the hospital for close observation. Consultants, who typically consist of a pulmonologist and a thoracic surgeon, should be called upon early in the patient’s evaluation. Evaluation of a Stable Patient The initial evaluation of a stable patient with hemoptysis consists of a good history and physical. It is important when taking a history to establish clearly that the bleeding is occurring from the lungs. Bleed- ing from the nose or upper gastrointestinal tract at times can be con- fused with hemoptysis. A good history usually can distinguish whether the blood was coughed up from the lungs or whether it was regurgi- tated or vomited from the gastrointestinal tract. History The following information, obtained from a good history, can help determine the etiology of the hemoptysis, help guide the diagnostic evaluation, and help direct therapy: 1. Medications: Coumadin and platelet inhibitors; patients taking immunosuppressive drugs (e. Travel history: (coccidioidomycosis in the Southwest, tuberculosis, common in many countries, histoplasmosis in Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio River Valley) 11. Trauma history Physical Examination Vital Signs Heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and respiratory rate should be determined immediately. Langenfeld determined using a pulse oxymeter (90% or below demonstrates severe hypoxia). Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat Assess the presence of enlarged lymph nodes, which may signify metastatic lung carcinoma. Chest/Lung Assess whether breathing is labored, which may indicate pneumonia, presence of blood in the tracheobronchial tree, or pulmonary embolus. The presence of diminished breath sounds and vocal fremitus sug- gests consolidation of the lung. Cardiovascular The rhythm, presence of a cardiac murmur or a jugular venous distention, and the point of maximal impact should be determined. Abdomen Examine for the presence of an enlarged liver, which can occur in right- sided heart failure. Bilateral leg edema is more consistent with lymph edema or congestive heart failure. Chest radiograph of a patient with non–small-cell lung cancer dis- closes right hilar enlargement. A chest x-ray may demonstrate the presence of an abscess, lung nodule, consolidation, or atelectasis representing the possible source of bleeding. It also can suggest the presence of heart disease, showing enlargement of the ventricle or atrium and the presence of Kerley B lines. Massive pulmonary hemorrhage may occur from an area that appears normal on routine chest radiograph. A flexible bronchoscopy frequently is used in the evaluation of a patient with hemoptysis. A flexible bronchoscopy can identify the site of the bleeding, which is critical if surgery is contemplated as a means of controlling the bleeding. A flexible bronchoscope can detect the presence of a tumor obstructing a lobar bronchus. Bronchial washings should be sent for cultures, and a cytology specimen should be exam- ined for the presence of cancer cells. In addition, a focal peripheral lung opacity is present: the primary lung neoplasm. A rigid bronchoscope basically is a hollow metal tube with a light source and a side port for anesthesia. A rigid bronchoscopy is performed most frequently in the operating room under general anesthesia. The larger size of the rigid bronchoscope allows for better suctioning and control of the airway than a flexible bronchoscope. The management of patients with hemoptysis is dependent on the amount of hemoptysis, the etiology of the hemoptysis, the number of recurrent bleeding episodes, and the general medical condition of the patient. The initial goal is to control bleeding so the workup can proceed in an organized manner. Medical management Bed rest Antitussive agent Postural drainage and antimicrobials Correct coagulopathies Prevent aspiration Ice-cold bronchial lavage Bronchial artery embolization Surgical resection of the bleeding lung 13. Hemoptysis, Cough, and Pulmonary Lesions 239 Fortunately, bleeding in most patients is not massive and can be controlled with conservative measures, which include bed rest and controlling the cough. Patients with pulmonary infections should be treated with postural drainage and started on the appropriate anti- microbial agent. A flexible bronchoscopy should be performed to assess for the presence of a bron- chogenic carcinoma.

Bring your awareness to the nature of your physical sensations as you H think about an upsetting event buy dostinex 0.5mg visa menstrual workout. Take a few moments to breathe deeply and calm yourself before returning to the book cheap dostinex 0.25 mg amex menstruation vs implantation bleeding. Were you able to feel the nature of your body in response to a mental and emotional upset? Could you just be present to what you were experiencing without any need to change the experience? Mindfulness and the Body • 71 I would now ask you to observe what happens to your thoughts and emotions cheap dostinex 0.25 mg visa menstrual 2 weeks long, in response to an upsetting situation order dostinex 0.5 mg otc menopause and fatigue, as you bring your awareness solely to the physical expression of the upset in your body. Close your eyes and observe what happens to your thoughts and emotional reactions in H response to an emotionally upsetting event as you focus on your body. As you stepped out of the story and focused on the physical feelings of the upset state, did the energy of the mental tension start to dissolve? What you’re trying for when you focus on what’s going on in your body when you’re stressed is to no longer be the “I” who is starring in an upsetting story. Instead, you refocus on the physical experience that’s occurring in response to the story. The next time you’re mentally or emotionally upset, consciously focus your attention on your body and its sensations instead of the storyline that’s talking about how upset you are. You explored in the last chapter how breath control can make your mind and body relax when your mind doesn’t seem to want to. Bringing your attention to your body and focusing your breathing into the place of physical tension is a wonderful way to help further release this body stress. In this next exercise, you will be imagining that you’re directly focusing your breathing into the area of physical tension. Then consciously take a deep and calm breath and imagine that you’re breathing directly into and out of any areas of tension. Imagine that your breath is 72 • Mindfulness Medication coming into and flowing out of the tense body part. With every breath out you’ll let go of some tension and promote a natural relaxation response. Think of an upsetting situation and consciously direct H your breath to the area of physical tension. What happened to the body tension as you directed your breath, in a calm and deep manner, to that spot? The following are exercises that you can practice to help develop mindfulness of your physical sensations. For five to ten minutes in the morning and/or evening, sit quietly and simply observe the physical sensations in your body. During the day, whenever you can, try to be aware of the physical sensations that are present in the body. Whenever an upsetting event arises during the day, pause and pay attention to what you’re feeling physically. Whenever a happy event arises during the day, pause and pay attention to what you’re feeling in your body. Choose an environmental cue that will remind you to be mindful of the physical sensation that you’re experiencing at that moment. This could be, for example, before you eat, brush your teeth, wash your face, take a walk, or answer the phone. Set your wristwatch or cell phone so that an alarm goes off every two to three hours to remind you to be mindful of the physical sensation in that moment. Put Post-it notes up around your house, in your car, or at work to remind you to be mindful of the physical sensations in that moment. If you’re bringing your awareness to your body as often as you can during the day, you have an opportunity to encourage mental and physical relaxation and decrease your tendency toward stressful reactions. When you’re under stress, bring your attention to the place where you’re experiencing the physical sensations. Then consciously bring your breath to that place and imagine breathing in and out of that site until you’re feeling relaxed. Body Scan The Body Scan is another great way to increase your awareness of your body and promote physical relaxation. During the scan, you’ll be bringing your attention, in a very systematic way, to the sensations that appear in your body. If you choose to practice lying down, put a pillow under your knees and you’ll be more comfortable. In the Body Scan you’ll deliberately bring your attention to each part of your body one at a time. You’ll focus on the physical sensations that you’re feeling in each body part before moving on to the next. You’re interested in experiencing any sensation in its pure form, as it really 74 • Mindfulness Medication is. Don’t focus on the story you have about how much a sensation hurts, or how you want to get rid of it, or how unfair it is. You’ll also see how those sensations tend to change as you observe them and mindfully breathe. As you discovered in the previous section, breathing has a tremendous ability to promote mental and physical relaxation. By bringing the breath to any place where you’re feeling physical tension, you’ll gradually release this tension. You can come back to this exercise H and read through the instructions each time you do it, but I think you’ll really get the hang of it quite quickly. When you breathe out, imagine the process in reverse, breathing from the top of your head to your toes. If you notice tension in an area after two breaths, just continue to breathe deeply into that area until it relaxes. Mindfulness and the Body • 75 • Next think about your face… your mouth… your tongue… your jaw. If a thought or emotion arises that distracts you from focusing on your body, that’s okay. Recognize the distracting thought, then bring your attention right back to your body and your breath. If you seem to be falling asleep and you’re doing this exercise lying on the floor, shift to a sitting position, or open your eyes. If there’s a lot of pain that keeps drawing your attention to any one region, I want you to really focus on that area.

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