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Some examples of notes are: • Information on database content Veterinary librarian [disk] cheap 500mg hydrea amex symptoms 22 weeks pregnant. Seattle: University of Washington generic hydrea 500 mg visa treatment for strep throat, Health Sciences Center for Educational Resources; c1996 discount hydrea 500 mg amex symptoms 4dp5dt fet. Prepared under the auspices of the University of South Florida School of Physical Education hydrea 500mg low cost treatment 0 rapid linear progression. Seattle: University of Washington, Health Sciences Center for Educational Resources; c1996. Database of information on almost 600 organic solvents used in industry, academic research, and general commerce. Seattle: University of Washington, Health Sciences Center for Educational Resources; c1996. Genusys: database of herbal remedies, aromatherapy, essential oils, vitamins, amino acids, and more! In medicine, computer programs are ofen used to instruct on techniques and to assist in performing a variety of tasks, such as organizing patient data. An R afer the component name means that it is required in the citation; an O afer the name means it is optional. Tis rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications. Names in non-roman alphabets (Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Korean) or character-based languages (Chinese, Japanese). Romanization, a form of transliteration, means using the roman (Latin) alphabet to represent the letters or characters of another alphabet. Tis rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications. An organization such as a university, society, association, corporation, or government body may be an author. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry Division. American College of Surgeons, Committee on Trauma, Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Outcomes, Working Group. American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine; American College of Emergency Physicians, Pediatric Committee. Tis rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications. Follow the same rules as used for author names, but end the list of names with a comma and the specifc role, that is, editor or translator. Separate the surname from the given name or initials by a comma; follow initials with a period; separate successive names by a semicolon and a space. If you abbreviate a word in one reference in a list of references, abbreviate the same word in all references. Marubini E (Istituto di Statistica Medica e Biometria, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy), Rebora P, Reina G. Tis rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications. Moskva becomes Moscow Wien becomes Vienna Italia becomes Italy Espana becomes Spain Examples for Author Affiliation 8. Tis rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications. Pyramides animees: un programme de projections demographiques [Animated population pyramids: a program of population projections] [disk]. Techniques for synthesis of β-amino acids may become Techniques for synthesis of beta-amino acids • If a title contains superscripts or subscripts that cannot be reproduced with the type fonts available, place the superscript or subscript in parentheses TiO2 nanoparticles may become TiO(2) nanoparticles Box 19. Occasionally a program does not appear to have any title; the program simply begins with the text. In this circumstance: • Construct a title from the frst few words of the text Box 19 continues on next page... Pyramides animees: un programme de projections demographiques [Animated population pyramids: a program of population projections] [disk]. Specific Rules for Edition • Abbreviation rules for editions • Non-English words for editions • First editions • Both an edition and a version Box 25. Tis rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications. Tis rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications. Examples: ĉ or ç becomes c ⚬ Do not convert numbers or words for numbers to arabic ordinals as is the practice for English language publications. Tis rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications. Examples: ŏ becomes o ū becomes u ⚬ Do not convert numbers or words for numbers to arabic ordinals as is the practice for English language publications. Tis rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications. Tis rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications. Joint publication of the Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of Washington Medical Center. If you abbreviate a word in one reference in a list of references, abbreviate the same word in all references. Sofa (Bulgaria): Sofa Medizina i Fizkultura; • Romanize names or translate names in character-based languages (Chinese, Japanese). Place all translated publisher names in square brackets unless the translation is given in the publication. Tokyo: Medikaru Rebyusha; Beijing (China): [Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Population Research Institute]; Taiyuan (China): Shanxi ke xue ji she chu ban she; [Note that the concept of capitalization does not exist in Chinese. In transliterating Chinese publisher names, capitalize only the frst word and proper nouns] • If the name of a division of other part of an organization is included in the publisher information, give the names in hierarchical order from highest to lowest Valencia (Spain): Universidade de Valencia, Instituto de Historia de la Ciencia y Documentacion Lopez Pinero; • Ignore diacritics, accents, and special characters in names. Tis rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications. Aarhus (Denmark): Aarhus-Universitetsforlag [Aarhus University Press]; • As an option, you may translate all publisher names not in English. Place all translated publisher names in square brackets unless the translation is given in the publication. Designate the agency that issued the publication as the publisher and include distributor information as a note.

In many instances discount 500mg hydrea medications given during labor, nerve dysfunction is tion susceptible to mechanical stress and vertebral transient; however order 500 mg hydrea medications mexico, as in the case of brachial plexus subluxation hydrea 500mg line symptoms hypoglycemia. King Penguin discount hydrea 500mg on-line ombrello glass treatment, spondylolisthesis was believed to be Clinically, there is evidence of denervation of the the result of trauma because no articular defects affected wing including lack of pain perception, pa- were observed. It may be difficult to determine the level of nerve injury in birds presented with clinical signs associated with a unilateral pe- ripheral neuropathy involving one extremity. Typi- cally, birds with neurapraxia improve clinically within two to four weeks, while those with axonot- mesis and neurotmesis (as with avulsion injury) would not. If these are not available, it is prudent to treat with supportive care for approximately one month, with weekly evalu- ation for signs of improved neurologic function. Abdominal Masses Compressive peripheral nerve trauma generally oc- curs secondary to an expanding mass that applies pressure to the nerve (see Figure 25. Because the pelvic nerves pass through the renal parenchyma, tumors or infection of the kidneys can damage the nerves (see Color 21). Ovarian tumors, if very large or invasive, have also been reported to damage these nerves. Renal adenocarcinomas occur more commonly in males than females and the incidence is higher in psittacine than passerine birds (see Color 25). The paresis may become bilateral, but systemic signs usually develop before the contralateral limb is affected. A severe wing droop was present and pearance of embryonal nephromas are similar to re- radiographs indicated a fractured coracoid. The wing was placed in a figure-of-eight bandage and the fracture healed without com- nal adenocarcinoma. When the bandage was removed, the bird still had a cysts and necrotic foci and are less frequently associ- severe wing droop, no deep pain and muscle atrophy involving most ated with paralysis. If these tumors cause in the avian iris, miosis is not a consistent feature of paralysis, the patient is likely to show an abdominal Horner’s syndrome. These tumors cause a peripheral Pituitary adenoma or pituitary chromophobe ade- neuropathy with a loss of withdrawal reflex not ob- noma occurs in young (four years old), predominantly served with a spinal cord lesion. These tumors arise from chromophobe cells Egg binding or internal trauma associated with and may or may not be functional, secreting tumors. These tumors are reported to cause a classic clinical Circulatory Disturbances syndrome described as somnolence with occasional Both peripheral and central neuropathies have been convulsions, uncoordinated wing-flapping and clonic as so c iat e d wi th dimin is he d c irculat ion. Incoordination, tremors ated with this condition, and affected birds are sim- and inability to perch have also been reported. In some cases, dipsia and polyuria, cere color change, feather abnor- however, neurologic signs may be observed. Exophthalmos, visual deficits, lack of pupillary scribed as a cause of ischemia and cerebral hyperten- light response and mydriasis may be present sion. Hepatic Encephalopathy Signs ranging from blindness and ataxia to opistho- Birds with severe liver disease may demonstrate tonos and seizures have been associated with cere- signs of hepatic encephalopathy. Hepatic lipidosis, br ov ascular accide nts an d is che mic in- 22,46,51,130 mycotoxicosis, hemochromatosis and vaccine-in- farction. Clinical signs vary with the clinical signs associated with hepatic encephalopa- location of the neoplasm. Vacuola- may be beneficial in diagnosing some cases; however, tion of the cells of the adrenal glands is a consistent a parallel test should be performed on an asympto- feature and may be an indication of stress. Serum bile acids no skeletal demineralization present in this syn- assays are a more reliable and safer test of hepatic drome. It appears that these birds are not able to mobilize body calcium stores (as occurs in cows with “milk Hypocalcemia fever”). Vitamin A deficiency may also play a role, as A syndrome characterized by opisthotonos, tonic ex- hypovitaminosis A has been shown to inhibit osteo- tension of the limbs and convulsions has been de- clast activity. An- frequency gradually increases, seeming to be precipi- other hypothesis suggests that there is increased tated by some external stimulation. Seizure activity birds begin to have seizures when the serum calcium would be expected to cease well before serum calcium 127 levels return to normal. Birds demon- be used in these patients because they increase uri- nary excretion and decrease intestinal absorption of calcium. Foods such as dairy products should be mals to acetylcholine inhibitors found in organophosphate encouraged, while those high in fat such as seeds and carbamate pesticides. The prognosis for full recovery appears to cate the patient is able to feel the stimulus. Idiopathic epilepsy is used as a diagnosis when other causes of seizures have been ruled out. A syndrome Because it appears that these birds cannot mobilize of idiopathic epilepsy has been described in Red-lored body stores of calcium, long-term prevention of recur- Amazon Parrots that has been suggested to have a ring problems requires that birds receive adequate 124 genetic basis. Seizures of undetermined cause oc- levels of calcium in proper balance with phosphorus, cur with some degree of frequency in Greater Indian as well as sufficient levels of vitamins A, D3 and E. Mild to severe seizure activity may occur in these birds with signs ranging from Hypoglycemia “periodic trance-like states” and “stiffening up” to Hypoglycemia may occur as a result of starvation or grand mal-type seizures. Blood glucose less than 150 mg/dl (or half Diazepam can be used to temporarily interrupt sei- the species’ normal value) may be an indication of zure activity. Owners should be advised that administered intravenously with caution because the therapy does not “cure” the condition, and they they are hypertonic and may cause tissue damage if should keep a calendar recording seizure activity and perivascular leaking occurs. The use of electroencephalograms in diagnosing epi- lepsy is difficult in any species of animal. The knowl- edge of normal electroencephalogram patterns for Seizures and Idiopathic Epilepsy avian species is limited as is the availability of the Seizures in birds can have numerous etiologies and equipment and trained personnel to make and evalu- various clinical presentations (Table 28. The bird may remain rigid or have Lafora Body Neuropathy major motor activity for a few seconds or a few min- utes. The postictal Lafora body neuropathy has been reported as a cause phase is variable. This accumulation of glyco- tamin E and selenium deficiencies, thiamine deficiency, hypovi- taminosis B6) proteins is believed to be the result of a defect in Metabolic (Heat stress, hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia, hepatic intracellular metabolism. In humans, the condition encephalopathy) is known as familial progressive myoclonic epilepsy. Toxic (Heavy metals, insecticides) It has also been diagnosed as a cause of spontaneous Infectious (Bacterial, fungal, viral or parasitic) convulsions or epilepsy in beagles, miniature poodles Traumatic and basset hounds. The inclusions may be found in Neoplastic other organs including the liver, heart, skeletal mus- Hypocalcemic (African Grey Parrots) cle and sweat glands. In the affected cockatiel, La- Hypoglycemic (Raptors) fora-like particles were identified diffusely through- out the liver. Lead intoxication causes a demyeli- nation of the vagus nerve and a block of presynaptic transmission by com- petitive inhibition of calcium. De- myelination produces the clinical signs associated with peripheral neuropathy. Lead encephalopathy is the result of diffuse perivascular edema, increases in cerebrospinal fluid and necrosis of nerve cells. The optic lobes and medulla may be pre- bird did not respond to supportive therapy.

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These granules are oval to spin- Eosinophils Violet cheap 500mg hydrea free shipping symptoms 39 weeks pregnant, lobed nucleus; blue cytoplasm; red- dle-shaped and often contain a distinct refractile orange hydrea 500mg line treatment yeast uti, round granules in most species body in the center of the granule order hydrea 500mg overnight delivery treatment for piles. The mature hetero- Purple generic 500 mg hydrea medications related to the female reproductive system, non-lobed nucleus; dark purple Basophils phil nucleus is lobed, usually containing fewer lobes cytoplasm granules than mammalian neutrophils (Color 9. The nu- Monocytes Purple nucleus; abundant, finely granular, blue- clear chromatin contains heavy chromatin clumping. Thrombocytes Dark purple nucleus; colorless cytoplasm; red granules Avian eosinophils are round granulocytes and contain distinct round-to-oval cytoplasmic granules that lack the central refractile body seen in heterophil gran- amount of cytoplasm compared to lymphocytes. The cytoplasmic granules of eosino- cytoplasm generally stains darker than the cyto- phils typically stain brighter or differently from hetero- plasm of normal lymphocytes. The intense monocytes has a finely granular, blue-gray appear- eosinophilic appearance of eosinophil granules is most ance and often contains vacuoles. The shape of the The normal basophil is slightly smaller than the monocyte nucleus is variable, ranging from round to heterophil and has a colorless cytoplasm that con- bilobed. These granules often dissolve or coalesce in alcohol-based On occasion, abnormal-appearing leukocytes are stains, such as the Romanowsky stains. Avian baso- found in the peripheral blood films of birds (Color phils have round-to-oval, non-lobed nuclei that are 9. Immature heterophils are abnormal findings in often hidden by cytoplasmic granules (Color 9. The immature blood of birds are lymphocytes and monocytes (Color stages most commonly found are heterophil myelo- 9. In general, immature cells that frequently “mold” around adjacent cells in heterophils have increased cytoplasmic basophilia, the blood film. These cells have high nucleus to cyto- nonsegmented nuclei and immature cytoplasmic plasm (N:C) ratios. The nucleus is usually centrally granules compared to mature heterophils (Color 9. Avian lympho- cytes often vary in size, and the larger lymphocytes Mature heterophils appear to show toxic changes in that have pale-staining nuclei may be confused with a manner similar to the toxic changes identified in mammalian neutrophils. Occasionally, the cyto- clude increased cytoplasmic basophilia, vacuolation, plasm of small mature lymphocytes may contain ir- abnormal granules, degranulation, and degeneration regular projections. The degree of toxicity is reported subjectively on a scale of +1 to +4, where the Monocytes are the largest leukocytes found in the lower rating reflects slight change and the higher peripheral blood films (Color 9. A +3 toxicity shows a deeper cytoplasmic baso- to different cytochemical properties of these cells philia, vacuolation and abnormal granulation (Color compared to other avian species. Abnormal granulation is indicated by the presence of granules that vary in appearance from the typical Careful examination of the blood film most often rod-shaped eosinophilic granules (eg, large, pale, reveals normal staining basophils and no evidence of round eosinophilic granules and small, deeply baso- lymphoid reactivity (which may support the possibil- philic granules). A +4 toxic heterophil resembles a +3 ity of Mott cells being present), but there are no toxic heterophil except the cell nucleus has under- eosinophils present that stain normally. The number of toxic these characteristics, the majority of these cells have heterophils present is an indication of severity and been identified as eosinophils. A slight number (25% or less) of toxic heterophils Thrombocyte Morphology may be present in the early stages of disorders re- Birds have nucleated cells (thrombocytes) rather sponsible for their occurrence. As the disorder be- than cytoplasmic fragments as platelets that partici- comes increasingly severe, the number of toxic het- pate in blood coagulation. A marked number (greater from a distinct line of cells found in hematopoietic than 25%) of toxic heterophils is common in birds tissue. Mature thrombocytes are small oval cells that showing this heterophil abnormality. It is common appear more rounded than the erythrocytes (Color for birds with toxic heterophil changes to have all of 9. The nucleus is pyknotic and the cytoplasm is their heterophils affected on the blood film. Thrombocytes, like mammalian Cytologic indications for reactivity in lymphocytes platelets, tend to clump in blood films. Thrombocytes include increased cell size, increased cytoplasmic ba- are differentiated from small, mature lymphocytes sophilia, the presence of azurophilic cytoplasmic by having a colorless, nonhomogeneous cytoplasm; granules and smooth nuclear chromatin (Color 9. Small mature lymphocytes have philic cytoplasm and smooth nuclear chromatin high N:C ratios with a scant amount of blue, homoge- (Color 9. Occasionally, plasma cells can be found in the peripheral blood of Abnormal thrombocyte cytology includes the pres- birds. These are relatively large lymphocytes with ence of reactive and immature thrombocytes. Reac- eccentric, mature-appearing nuclei; abundant, tive thrombocytes are usually found in aggregates, deeply basophilic cytoplasm; and prominent Golgi have a diffusely eosinophilic cytoplasm (suggesting adjacent to the nucleus. Lymphocytes containing release of chemicals from the granules) and irregular azurophilic granules (large purple cytoplasmic gran- cytoplasmic margins. Lymphocytes be more spindle-shaped than nonreactive thrombo- having scalloped cytoplasmic margins are found oc- cytes (Color 9. The ture lymphocytes in the peripheral blood films are mid-immature and late-immature thrombocytes are also considered to be abnormal (Color 9. An occasional monocyte having a few cytoplasmic vacuoles is normal, but the presence of large numbers of highly vacuolated monocytes is abnormal. Red blood cell parasites (Plasmodium, Aegyptianella and, rarely, in red cell polychromasia is indicative of red blood Haemoproteus and Leucocytozoon) cell regeneration (Color 9. Bacterial septicemia (salmonellosis and spirochetosis) number of polychromatic erythrocytes (or reticulo- 3. Toxicity (mustards and petroleum products) cytes) found in the peripheral blood film ranges be- tween one and five percent of the erythrocytes. Immune-mediated (rarely reported in birds) anemic bird with a five percent or less degree of Depression Anemia (Nonregenerative) polychromasia (or reticulocytosis) is responding 1. Chronic diseases (tuberculosis, chlamydiosis, aspergillosis, neo- poorly to the anemia or there has not been enough plasia) time for the bird to demonstrate a significant re- 2. Toxicity (lead poisoning and aflatoxicosis) greater degree of polychromasia is exhibiting a sig- nificant regenerative response. Nutritional deficiencies (iron and folic acid deficiencies) mature erythrocytes (eg, rubricytes) in the periph- 5. Leukemia (lymphoid leukemia and erythroblastosis) eral blood along with an increase in polychromasia is indicative of a marked regenerative response. Hypochromasia can be associated with certain nutri- Interpretation of the Leukogram tional deficiencies in birds, especially iron deficiency. Hypochromasia has also been seen in lead toxico- There is wide variation in the normal leukograms sis. Therefore, values of population of erythrocytes in the blood film of a diagnostic importance must differ greatly from nor- nonanemic bird. In such cases, small senescent, ma- mal reference intervals, which are generally much ture erythrocytes with pyknotic nuclei and young broader than those obtained from domestic mam- erythrocytes (eg, rubricytes) are present in the blood mals. Preparing normal reference values on healthy film without the appearance of normal, mature individual birds is the best method for evaluating erythrocytes. When these priate release of nucleated erythrocytes in the blood specific values have not been determined, the avian of nonanemic dogs suffering from lead poisoning. The conditions often 10,000/µl are considered suggestive of leukocytosis in associated with absolute polycythemia in mammals tame, adult psittacine birds.

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