Tutorial 10 – All about Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers (TWTA) and non-linear amplification

Description: All about Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers (TWTA) and non-linear amplification

Download: twta.pdf

5 Comments on “Tutorial 10 – All about Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers (TWTA) and non-linear amplification

  1. Hi. I seem to be having some issues where the right side of some figures and equations seem to be cut-off. I used Chrome and Internet Explorer thinking that maybe the browsers rendered the .pdf incorrectly, but this cut-off appears on both copies.

    Anyone else having this issue?

  2. Thanks for posting this free tutorial… I myself am just getting into the industry, and TWTA’s are something I’ve had difficulty wrapping my head around. Thanks!

  3. Hi,

    Very informative tutorial. One thing about non-linear behavior is unclear to me however, hope you can give me a short answer.

    If you look at an ideal clipping device, the output signal will graduately become a block-shape as the input-sine amplitude increases. My question now concerns interpretation of “saturated output power” (0 dB IBO and 0 dB OBO) of the TWTA:

    1) Is it the power of the entire block-shaped output signal (so including harmonics)?
    2) Is it the power of the fundamental harmonic in the block-shaped signal?

    There is a 0.9 dB difference between the two interpretations, but I’m not sure how to interpret this correctly.

    Best regards,


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