Kiev – Ukraine, May 16-18, 2019
I gave a masterclass on Fourier Analysis based on my book at the National Aviation University in Kiev, Ukraine this last week.
This is a 5000 student university in this beautiful, grand city full of young people. The city Kiev was a surprise for me. Pleasant and lovely, with great food and cheaper in all respects from the US. The people are friendly and helpful.
What was a surprise was the number of women present at my class. Although they translated my talk into Ukrainian, it seems that most student speak and understand English. The presentation was arranged By Dr. Yevgeny Gayev for the MATLAB and computer calculations in education, science and engineering”, May 16 – 18, 2019 р., Kyiv.
My class presentation is here.

Hi Charan.
Ukraine! How nice for you! I wish I could have attended your presentation.